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Article R1333-172 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The person responsible for the nuclear activity, as referred to in Article L. 1333-8, is required to have the rules that have been put in place in terms of : 1° Collective protection, taking into account the applicable requirements under its regime; 2° Management of ionising radiation sources; 3° Collection, treatment and disposal of effluents and waste contaminated or likely to be contaminated by radionuclides; 4° Maintenance and quality control…

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Article R1333-173 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The person responsible for the nuclear activity is informed of the main results of the checks carried out as soon as the work is completed by the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire or the approved body. These checks are also the subject of written reports, mentioning the date, the nature of the checks and their results, and the names and qualifications of the people who carried them out….

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Article R1333-174 of the French Public Health Code

A decision by the Nuclear Safety Authority, approved by the Minister responsible for radiation protection, defines, for approved organisations: 1° The detailed list of information to be attached to the application for approval and renewal of approval mentioned in II of Article R. 1333-172; 2° The procedures for issuing, renewing, checking and suspending approvals.

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Article R1333-175 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The competent authority may, in special circumstances and by a reasoned decision, ask the person responsible for a nuclear activity to have the verifications provided for in this article carried out in advance by the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety or by an approved body referred to in Article R. 1333-172. This authority sets the time limit within which the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety or…

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Article R1334-1 of the French Public Health Code

The reporting of cases of lead poisoning under the conditions set out in article L. 1334-1 is governed by the provisions of articles R. 3113-3 and R. 3113-5. The reporting form conforms to the model defined by order of the Minister for Health.

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Article R1334-2 of the French Public Health Code

The purpose of the environmental investigation referred to in article L. 1334-1 is to identify the sources of lead in the minor’s environment, in order to determine the origin of the poisoning. The doctor who receives the report of a case of lead poisoning in a minor shall provide the Director General of the Regional Health Agency with the information required to carry out the environmental investigation provided for in…

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Article R1334-3 of the French Public Health Code

A risk of exposure to lead within the meaning of article L. 1334-1 arises when a building or part of a building constructed before 1 January 1949 has deteriorated coverings and is inhabited or regularly visited by a minor or a pregnant woman. The report of the risk of exposure to lead for a minor or a pregnant woman is sent to the Prefect by any means, with the address…

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Article R1334-4 of the French Public Health Code

The diagnosis referred to in article L. 1334-1 identifies the building elements with deteriorated coverings, specifies the concentration of lead in these coverings and the analytical method used to measure it, and describes the state of conservation of the coverings containing lead, in accordance with a protocol specified by a joint order of the ministers responsible for housing and health.

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Article R1334-5 of the French Public Health Code

The work carried out as part of the measures provided for in articles L. 511-11 and L. 511-19 of the French Construction and Housing Code is the work required to eliminate the risk identified, including, on the one hand, work aimed at the sources of lead themselves and, on the other hand, work aimed at ensuring the durability of the protection. The work consists of applying covering materials to degraded…

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Article R1334-6 of the French Public Health Code

When a risk of exposure to lead within the meaning of article R. 1334-3 is identified, the emergency procedure referred to in article L. 511-19 of the French Construction and Housing Code is applied. The period within which the work must be carried out is limited to one month, except in cases where, within the same period, all or some of the occupants are accommodated outside the premises concerned. In…

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