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Article R222-29 of the French Sports Code

The declaration referred to in article R. 222-28 shall be sent to the sports agents’ commission of the relevant delegated federation at least one month before the start of the exercise in France. The declaration must be accompanied by the following documents 1° Proof of the declarant’s nationality ; 2° A certificate from a Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area…

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Article R222-30 of the French Sports Code

When the interested party has sent the relevant delegating federation a declaration in accordance with the provisions of article R. 222-29, the sports agents’ commission shall issue him with a certificate stating that he is temporarily or occasionally exercising the activity of sports agent on national territory within a period of one month. If the sports agents’ commission of the delegating federation considers, within a period of one month, that…

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Article R222-31 of the French Sports Code

Each year, the sports agent shall provide the sports agents delegate of the relevant delegating federation with the information and accounting documents relating to his activity as a sports agent as defined by the sports agents regulations. He shall also provide the sports agents’ representative, at the latter’s request, with any information required to monitor his activity as a sports agent, in particular documents relating to the company referred to…

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Article R222-32 of the French Sports Code

L’agent sportif transmet au délégué aux agents sportifs, dans un délai d’un mois à compter de leur signature, la copie des contrats ci-dessous énumérés : 1° Contrats mentionnés au deuxième alinéa de l’article L. 222-17, en exécution desquels il met en rapport les parties intéressées à la conclusion d’un contrat relatif à l’exercice rémunéré d’une activité sportive ou d’entraînement, ou prévoyant la conclusion d’un contrat de travail relatif à l’exercice…

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Article R222-33 of the French Sports Code

If the contracts and endorsements mentioned in article R. 222-32 have not been sent to him within the time limit set, the sports agents delegate may, without prejudice to the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, give the sports agent formal notice to send them to him. The procedures for forwarding contracts are set out in the regulations governing sports agents.

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Article R222-34 of the French Sports Code

Where there is a professional league, it will, at the request of the Sports Agents Delegate, provide the documents required to monitor the activities of sports agents, in particular the contracts it approves. Where there is a body responsible for the legal and financial control of sports associations and companies, it will provide the Sports Agents’ Delegate with the documents required to monitor the activities of sports agents.

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Article R222-35 of the French Sports Code

The associations and companies affiliated to the Federation or to the professional league that it has set up, as well as the Federation’s licence-holders, shall provide the Sports Agents Delegate with the following information at his request: 1° Information and accounting documents relating to the placement of athletes and trainers as defined by the Sports Agents Regulations; 2° Other documents required to monitor the placement of athletes and trainers as…

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Article R222-37 of the French Sports Code

For the application of the provisions of the third paragraph (1°) of article L. 222-17, limiting the remuneration of a sports agent to 10% of the amount of the contract concluded by the parties that he has brought into contact, an order of the Minister responsible for sport specifies, where applicable depending on the nature of the contract, the method of calculation of the sums that make up the amount.

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Article R222-38 of the French Sports Code

In the event of a breach of the provisions of articles L. 222-5, L. 222-7 to L. 222-18, R. 222-20, R. 222-31 and R. 222-32 as well as the provisions of the sports agents’ regulations issued on the basis of article L. 222-18, impose the following sanctions on sports agents: 1° A warning; 2° A financial penalty which may not exceed the amount of the fines provided for 5th class…

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