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Article R222-39 of the French Sports Code

In the event of a breach of articles L. 222-5, L. 222-7, L. 222-10, L. 222-12 to L. 222-14, L. 222-17, L. 222-18, R. 222-35 and R. 222-36 as well as the provisions of the sports agents’ regulations enacted on the basis of article L. 222-18, impose the following sanctions on associations and companies affiliated to the Federation or to the professional league it has set up, as well as…

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Article R222-40 of the French Sports Code

Disciplinary proceedings are initiated by the Delegate for Sports Agents, who investigates the case in accordance with the adversarial principle. The person being prosecuted is notified of the complaints, given a period in which to respond and may consult the entire case file before the hearing. The defendant is summoned to the hearing. They may be represented by a lawyer or assisted by one or more persons of their choice….

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Article R222-41 of the French Sports Code

The sports agents’ commission publishes the sanctions imposed pursuant to article L. 222-19 on sports agents, licence-holders, associations and affiliated companies, in accordance with the conditions set out in the sports agents’ regulations. Once the conciliation procedure provided for in articles R. 141-5 to R. 141-9 has been completed, appeals against these sanctions may be lodged with the competent local administrative court.

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Article D222-50 of the French Sports Code

A professional athlete or trainer may benefit from the payment of the royalty provided for in article L. 222-2-10-1, in respect of the individual use, by the sports association or company mentioned in articles L. 122-1 or L. 122-2, of his/her image, name or voice. Individual exploitation of the image, name or voice of a professional sportsperson or trainer means the use or reproduction, in association with that of the…

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Article D224-1 of the French Sports Code

At the request of the Minister for Sport, the National Support Forum is consulted on any draft law or draft regulatory text relating to supporters or their associations, as well as on any draft European Union act or international convention relating to support. The National Supporters’ Forum determines the topics for assessment and study relating to supporterism, which it includes in its work programme. It puts forward any recommendations aimed…

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Article D224-2 of the French Sports Code

The Instance nationale du supportérisme is chaired by the Minister for Sport or his representative. In addition to its chairman and the deputy and senator provided for in article L. 224-2, it comprises : 1° Twelve representatives of supporters’ associations approved by the Prefect or, if their head office is in Paris, by the Police Prefect; 2° Ten representatives of sports associations or companies taking part in competitions organised by…

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Article D224-3 of the French Sports Code

The members of the Instance nationale du supportérisme mentioned in 1° to 3° and 6° to 9° of article D. 224-2 are appointed by order of the Minister for Sport for a period of three years. The term of office is renewable. The provisions of Article 74 of Law no. 2014-873 of 4 August 2014 for real equality between women and men and Decree no. 2015-354 of 27 March 2015…

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Article D224-4 of the French Sports Code

The Instance nationale du supportérisme shall meet and operate in accordance with the conditions set out in the articles R. 133-3 à R. * 133-15 du code des relations entre le public et l’administration. It meets at least once a year in plenary session. It may meet in restricted formation depending on the work programme decided.

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Article D224-5 of the French Sports Code

Sports associations or companies taking part in competitions organised by a professional league designate, in application of article L. 224-3, one or more reference persons, who may be volunteers or employees, responsible for relations with their supporters. They inform the professional league concerned of the designated contact person(s). Any contact person responsible for relations with supporters may not be a member of the supporters’ association(s) that support(s) the sports association…

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