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Article R232-85-9 of the French Sports Code

The head of the medical department of the Agence française de lutte contre le dopage, deputised where necessary by the scientific adviser to the President of the Agency, is responsible for compliance with the rules governing the management of the data processing. The right of access and rectification may be exercised with this data controller under the conditions set out in articles 39, 40 and 43 of law no. 78-17…

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Article R232-86 of the French Sports Code

The investigations referred to in 3° of the I of article L. 232-5 are intended to collect, obtain, evaluate and process information relating to the fight against doping, in accordance with procedures designed to guarantee confidentiality. As part of an investigation, the Agency shall examine the results of the analyses referred to in article L. 232-18, the biological profile referred to in article L. 232-12-1 and any other information or…

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Article R232-86-1 of the French Sports Code

Investigators authorised to conduct investigations take an oath before the judicial court of their place of residence or before the Paris judicial court, stating: “I swear to carry out with accuracy and probity the findings, investigations, research and operations falling within my remit and not to reveal or use, for purposes unrelated to this remit, anything that comes to my knowledge on this occasion ˮ. In the event of serious…

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Article R232-86-2 of the French Sports Code

The investigators may summon and interview any person likely to be able to provide them with information. They shall present their authorisation to conduct the investigation in response to any request made in the course of their investigations. The summons is sent to the interested party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or delivered by hand against a receipt or bailiff’s deed, at least eight days before the date…

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Article R232-86-3 of the French Sports Code

Reports drawn up in the course of investigations state the nature, date and place of the findings. They are signed by the investigator and the person concerned by the investigations. If the latter refuses, this is noted in the report. When the investigators take explanations on site, a separate report is drawn up from the visit report. These minutes state that the person interviewed has been informed of his or…

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Article R232-86-4 of the French Sports Code

The results of the investigations are set out in a written report. This report shall indicate, in particular, any facts that may constitute violations of the anti-doping rules or a criminal offence. Where the investigation leads to the presumption of the existence of an anti-doping violation, the notification provided for in article R. 232-88 shall be made. If this is not the case, the Secretary General of the Agency shall…

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Article R232-88 of the French Sports Code

In all the cases mentioned in article L. 232-21-1, the Secretary General of the Agency shall notify the interested party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by letter delivered against receipt. This notification specifies : 1° The grounds on which the matter has been referred to the Agency ; 2° The rules provided for in Articles L. 232-9, L. 232-9-1, L. 232-9-2, L. 232-9-3, L. 232-10, L. 232-10-3,…

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Article R232-88-1 of the French Sports Code

The athlete may apply for Provisional Suspension under article L. 232-23-4 within ten days of waiving the B Sample analysis, notification of the B Sample analysis report or notification of any anti-doping rule violation. He may apply for provisional suspension after the expiry of this period provided he has not taken part in a sporting event since that date. Other persons may apply for provisional suspension no later than ten…

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Article R232-89 of the French Sports Code

I.-On receipt of the interested party’s observations, the Agency may ask him to provide additional information and documents within a time limit that it shall determine and may submit these observations to experts. II -When the Board decides, after having taken note of the interested party’s observations or after the expiry of the period provided for in 6° of article R. 232-88, to initiate disciplinary proceedings, the notification of grievances…

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Article R232-89-1 of the French Sports Code

I.-Without prejudice to the possibility of reaching an agreement at a later date, the administrative composition procedure is terminated: 1° When the person to whom it has been proposed expresses a refusal or fails to make a decision within the time limit stipulated in 3° of II of article R. 232-89 ; 2° If no agreement is reached within the time limit mentioned in the first and third paragraphs of…

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