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Article D232-103 of the French Sports Code

The communication of information between the officials mentioned in article L. 232-20 relates in particular to : – the calendar of competitions or sporting events ; – statistics on analyses carried out by the French Anti-Doping Agency ; – quantitative or qualitative studies and statistics; – any information relating to fraudulent circuits, such as those relating to the method of acquisition, the method of supply, the means of transport or…

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Article R232-104 of the French Sports Code

The decisions referred to in 10° of I of article L. 232-5 may be recognised by the Board after the interested party has been given the opportunity to submit written observations and, where applicable, at his request, oral observations. This person may be assisted by any person or represented by a proxy of his choice. When, in application of this article, the Board has recognised a suspension measure, the person…

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Article R241-2 of the French Sports Code

The approval of the persons mentioned in article L. 232-11 and in the second paragraph of article L. 241-4 takes effect after they have taken an oath in accordance with the procedures set out in article R. 232-70. Approval is granted for a period of five years. The French Anti-Doping Agency ensures that approved persons comply with the obligations associated with their role. Approval is withdrawn by the French Anti-Doping…

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Article R241-3 of the French Sports Code

In the mission orders, the director of the inspection department designates the approved veterinarian responsible for the inspection as well as the procedures for designating the animals inspected, such as random selection, ranking or the establishment of a new record. If lots are drawn, they must be drawn from all participants in the competition, event or training. The number of animals to be selected by drawing lots is determined by…

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Article R241-4 of the French Sports Code

Checks carried out by approved veterinarians include : 1° An interview with the person responsible for the animal and, if the approved veterinarian deems it useful, with the owner or trainer. This interview covers, in particular, any medication administered to the animal being checked, where applicable on veterinary prescription; 2° One or more of the samples and examinations mentioned in article R. 241-5 ; 3° If the approved veterinarian deems…

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Article R241-5 of the French Sports Code

Approved veterinary surgeons are authorised to take any samples that are useful for their work, and in particular : 1° To collect urine ; 2° to take blood samples 3° To collect substances administered to the animal by any means whatsoever; 4° to take a sample from any part of the animal or from any element in contact with the animal.

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Article R241-6 of the French Sports Code

The samples and examinations referred to in article R. 241-5 must, on pain of nullity, be taken under the following conditions: 1° The materials required to collect the substances mentioned in article R. 241-5 must be supplied by the laboratory responsible for carrying out the analysis; 2° Each sample referred to in Article R. 241-5 must be distributed by the approved veterinarian in sufficient quantities in two sealed containers bearing…

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Article R241-7 of the French Sports Code

Approved veterinarians shall draw up a report of the conditions under which they carried out the sampling and examinations. Any supporting documents produced by the person or persons mentioned in 1° of article R. 241-4 shall be attached to the report. In the event of the animal being prevented or refused from undergoing sampling and examination, the approved veterinarian shall draw up a report setting out the circumstances in which…

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Article R241-8 of the French Sports Code

When an approved veterinarian wishes, for the purposes of a test, to be assisted by a delegated member of the competent sports federation, he shall make his request either to that federation or to its local officials. The federation delegate may not attend the interview provided for in 1° of article R. 241-4. In the event of a refusal to appoint a delegate from the federation, this is noted in…

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