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Article R312-9 of the French Sports Code

When submitting the application for planning permission for the structure that is the subject of the application for approval of a sports arena subject to the provisions of articles L. 312-5 and L. 312-12, the owner sends an application for approval to the Prefect of the département in which the arena is located. The form that this application must take and the documents attached to it are set, after consultation…

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Article R312-10 of the French Sports Code

The approval provided for in article L. 312-5 is granted by the Prefect, after obtaining the opinion of the Departmental Safety and Accessibility Advisory Committee and then, in the cases provided for by the order mentioned in article R. 312-11, of the National Sports Venue Safety Committee.

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Article R312-11 of the French Sports Code

An order by the Minister for Sport, issued after consultation with the Commission nationale de sécurité des enceintes sportives, sets out the categories of sports venues whose approval is granted by the Prefect after consultation with this commission.

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Article R312-12 of the French Sports Code

Approval is subject to : 1° Compliance of the enclosure and its component works with the technical provisions and standards relating to the construction, servicing and access of the buildings applicable to them; 2° Compliance with any special requirements made necessary by the configuration of the enclosure, its environment or the use for which it is intended.

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Article R312-13 of the French Sports Code

Within four months of receiving the application for approval, the Prefect, after obtaining the opinion of the Departmental Advisory Committee on Safety and Accessibility and, in the cases provided for by the order referred to in article R. 312-11, of the National Committee on Safety for Sports Venues, notifies the owner of the facility of his opinion on the application for approval in accordance with the order referred to in…

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Article R312-14 of the French Sports Code

The additional file in accordance with the order mentioned in article R. 312-9 is sent to the Prefect when the work is handed over. After consulting the departmental consultative committee on safety and accessibility, the Prefect notifies the owner of the equipment of the approval order. The approval order : 1° Fixes the maximum number of spectators and its distribution per stand, fixed or temporary, and outside the stand. Only…

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Article R312-15 of the French Sports Code

A sports venue whose manager opposes a check on compliance with the requirements of this section by the persons mentioned in article L. 111-3 may have its approval withdrawn, without prejudice to the penalties mentioned in this article.

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Article R312-16 of the French Sports Code

For the purposes of this section, a temporary installation is any demountable equipment or assembly intended to be used by the public, the framework of which is designed so that it can be assembled and dismantled repeatedly or only once, installed for a period of less than three months in a sports venue subject to the provisions of article L. 312-5.

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Article R312-17 of the French Sports Code

The organiser of the event must have the installation of the temporary facilities technically inspected in accordance with the conditions laid down in Chapter V of Title II of Book I of the French Construction and Housing Code. The technical inspection covers the solidity of the elements making up the installation and their assembly, the adaptation of the installation to the ground and the safety of people linked to the…

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Article R312-18 of the French Sports Code

The mayor must refer the matter to the departmental safety and accessibility advisory committee at least fifteen days before the date scheduled for the event for which the temporary installation is being set up. Once the installation work has been completed and before the facilities are opened to the public, the departmental safety and accessibility advisory committee will carry out the site visit provided for in article L. 312-12. The…

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