Article L1233-76 of the French Labour Code
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the terms and conditions for the application of articles L. 1233-71 to L. 1233-73.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the terms and conditions for the application of articles L. 1233-71 to L. 1233-73.
When they carry out a mass redundancy affecting, by its scale, the balance of the employment area or areas in which they are located, the undertakings mentioned in article L. 1233-71 are required to contribute to the creation of activities and the development of jobs and to mitigate the effects of the planned redundancy on the other undertakings in the employment area or areas. These provisions do not apply to…
An agreement between the company and the administrative authority, concluded within six months of the notification provided for in article L. 1233-46, determines, where applicable on the basis of a social and territorial impact study prescribed by the administrative authority, the nature as well as the methods of financing and implementation of the actions provided for in article L. 1233-84. The agreement takes into account any actions of the same…
The amount of the contribution paid by the company may not be less than twice the monthly value of the minimum growth wage per job eliminated. However, the administrative authority may set a lower amount if the company is unable to meet the financial burden of this contribution. In the absence of a signed agreement or collective agreement in lieu thereof, companies shall pay to the Treasury a contribution equal…
When a mass redundancy carried out by a company with at least fifty employees which is not subject to the obligation to offer redeployment leave affects, by its scale, the balance of the employment area or areas in which it is located, the administrative authority, after having, where applicable, prescribed a social and territorial impact study taking into account the observations made by the company concerned, intervenes to facilitate the…
The actions provided for in articles L. 1233-84 and L. 1233-87 are determined after consultation with the local authorities concerned, the consular bodies and the social partners who are members of the regional joint inter-professional committee. Their implementation is monitored and evaluated, under the control of the administrative authority, in accordance with procedures defined by decree. This decree also determines the conditions under which companies whose head office is not…
The procedures provided for in this sub-section are applicable independently of the other procedures provided for in this chapter.
The maisons de l’emploi may participate, under conditions laid down by agreement with the companies concerned, in the implementation of measures relating to the revitalisation of employment areas.
A national framework agreement for revitalisation is concluded between the Minister for Employment and the company when the job losses concern at least three départements. In determining the amount of the contribution referred to in Article L. 1233-86, account is taken of the total number of jobs eliminated. The framework agreement is signed within six months of the notification of the redundancy project mentioned in article L. 1233-46. It gives…
Decrees in the Council of State may determine the adaptation measures necessary for the application of the provisions relating to redundancies for economic reasons in undertakings required to set up a social and economic committee or equivalent bodies by virtue either of legal provisions other than those contained in the Labour Code, or of contractual stipulations.
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