Article L1454-3 of the French Labour Code
When an industrial tribunal member is unable to sit at the adjudication hearing, he is replaced within the limits and according to the procedures determined by decree.
When an industrial tribunal member is unable to sit at the adjudication hearing, he is replaced within the limits and according to the procedures determined by decree.
If the adjudicating panel or the summary proceedings panel is unable to meet in its entirety at the adjudication hearing, the adjudicating judge will rule in accordance with the conditions determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
When an application is made to the industrial tribunal for a training agreement referred to in article L. 124-1 of the Education Code to be reclassified as an employment contract, the matter is referred directly to the adjudication office, which gives a decision on the merits within one month of the matter being referred to it.
In the event of a dispute relating to redundancies for economic reasons, the section or chamber shall give an urgent ruling in accordance with the procedures and within the time limits determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
An industrial tribunal member may be challenged : 1° When he has a personal interest in the dispute, the mere fact of being affiliated to a trade union organisation not constituting such a personal interest; 2° If he is the spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact, cohabitee, parent or relative up to and including the degree of first cousin of one of the parties; 3° If, in the year…
The judgements of industrial tribunals may be appealed. However, they give final rulings below a rate set by decree.
Any action relating to the performance of the employment contract shall be barred after two years from the date on which the person bringing the action knew or ought to have known of the facts enabling him to exercise his right. Any action relating to the termination of the employment contract shall be barred after twelve months from the date of notification of the termination. The first two paragraphs do…
In this Part and subject, where applicable, to the provisions of this Book, the words “national”, “nationales”, “nationals”, “France”, “territoire français”, “sol français”, “ensemble du territoire” or “ensemble du territoire national” refer to the departments of mainland France, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, La Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. Where the provisions of this Part provide for a criminal penalty of disqualification from French territory, this disqualification shall apply throughout…
The provisions of this Part apply in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte and Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, subject to the adaptations provided for in this Title.
For the application of this part in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and La Réunion and in the absence of any specific mention for these collectivities, references to the regional health insurance fund are replaced by references to the general social security fund in the overseas departments.
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