Article 892 of the French Code of civil procedure
Where the decisions of the joint tribunal are subject to appeal, the appeal shall be lodged, heard and decided in accordance with the procedure without compulsory representation.
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Where the decisions of the joint tribunal are subject to appeal, the appeal shall be lodged, heard and decided in accordance with the procedure without compulsory representation.
In all cases of urgency, the president of the joint tribunal may, within the limits of the tribunal’s jurisdiction, order in summary proceedings all measures that do not come up against any serious dispute or that are justified by the existence of a dispute.
The president may, within the same limits, and even in the presence of a serious dispute, prescribe in summary proceedings any conservatory or restoration measures that are necessary, either to prevent imminent damage or to put an end to a manifestly unlawful disturbance. In cases where the existence of the obligation is not seriously disputable, he may grant an advance to the creditor, or order performance of the obligation even…
The time limit for appeal is fifteen days. The appeal is lodged, investigated and judged as set out in Article 892.
At the request of one of the parties, and if justified by the urgency of the matter, the president of the court hearing an application for interim relief may refer the case to a hearing, the date of which he shall set, in order to rule on the merits of the case. He ensures that the defendant has sufficient time to prepare his defence. The order shall constitute a referral…
The president of the joint tribunal is seised by petition in the cases specified by law. He may also order on petition, within the limits of the tribunal’s jurisdiction, any urgent measures when the circumstances require that they not be taken adversarially.
If the application is not granted, the appeal shall be lodged, heard and decided as set out in Article 892. The time limit for appeal is fifteen days.
In the cases provided for by law or regulation, the president of the joint tribunal shall rule in accordance with the accelerated procedure on the merits.
The parties are required, unless otherwise provided, to constitute a lawyer. The constitution of the lawyer entails election of domicile.
The appeal is lodged by unilateral declaration or by joint petition.
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