Article 1136-22 of the French Code of civil procedure
The automated processing of personal data, referred to in II of Article 515-11-1 and known as the “anti-rapprochement bracelet”, is governed by Articles R. 631-6 to R. 631-14 of the Prison Code.
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The automated processing of personal data, referred to in II of Article 515-11-1 and known as the “anti-rapprochement bracelet”, is governed by Articles R. 631-6 to R. 631-14 of the Prison Code.
Where a restraining order accompanied by the obligation to wear an anti-approach electronic bracelet issued in the context of criminal proceedings pursuant to the article 138-3 of the code of criminal procedure or the article 132-45-1 of the Penal Code is implemented in accordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of article R. 631-1 of the Penitentiary Code, the measure ordered pursuant to Article 515-11-1 of the Civil Code…
The judge is seised by a summons to a hearing date communicated to the applicant in accordance with the procedures defined by article 751. In a duly justified case of urgency, the family court, on receipt of a petition, may allow a summons to be issued for a hearing date to be set at short notice. In both these cases, the summons must be delivered to the family court. In…
Within fifteen days of the application, the clerk’s office summons the defendant to the hearing by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. However, where the application states that the defendant’s address is the last known address, the clerk’s office invites the applicant to proceed by way of service. The clerk’s office shall notify the applicant by any means of the place, day and time of the hearing. The summons or…
The parties shall defend themselves; they shall have the option of being assisted or represented by a lawyer. In the case of an application for revision of compensatory allowance, the parties shall be required to constitute a lawyer.
The proceedings are oral. At any time during the proceedings, the parties may expressly give their agreement for the proceedings to proceed without a hearing in accordance with the provisions of article L. 212-5-1 of the Code of Judicial Organisation . In this case, articles 828 and 829 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply. In matters relating to an application for revision of compensatory allowance, the proceedings shall…
Where the request is made on the basis of Article L. 6145-11 of the Public Health Code or article L. 132-7 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, any party may also, during the proceedings, set out its case by letter addressed to the judge, provided that it can prove that the opposing party was aware of it before the hearing, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt….
Where a case has been brought before it by application, the judge may decide, either of his own motion or at the request of a party, that the judgment shall be served by the registry by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Where the parents seek approval of their agreement pursuant to article 373-2-7 of the Civil Code, the matter shall be referred to the court by joint application. He may not alter the terms of the agreement submitted to him. He shall rule on the application without debate, unless he deems it necessary to hear the parties. If the application is granted, any interested party may refer the matter to the…
The information provided for in 1° of Article 229-2 of the Civil Code takes the form of a form for each of the minor children, which mentions their right to ask to be heard under the conditions of Article 388-1 of the same code, as well as the consequences of his or her choice on the outcome of the proceedings. The model form is set by order of the Minister…
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