Article 675 of the French Code of civil procedure
Judgments are notified by service unless the law provides otherwise. In non-contentious matters, judgments are notified by the court clerk, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
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Judgments are notified by service unless the law provides otherwise. In non-contentious matters, judgments are notified by the court clerk, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Judgments may be served by delivery of a simple dispatch.
Judgments are notified to the parties themselves.
Where representation is compulsory, the representatives of the parties must also first be notified of the judgment: a) By delivery of a copy of the decision by the court registry, where the parties are notified of the judgment at its own request; b) In the form of notification between lawyers in other cases, on pain of nullity of the notification to the party; mention of the accomplishment of this formality…
In non-contentious matters, the judgment is notified to the parties and third parties whose interests may be affected by the decision, as well as to the public prosecutor where an appeal is open to him.
The document notifying a party of a judgment must indicate very clearly the time limit for lodging an objection, an appeal or an appeal in cassation in the event that one of these means of appeal is open, as well as the procedures by which the appeal may be exercised; it must also indicate that the author of an abusive or dilatory appeal may be ordered to pay a civil…
Notification, even without reservation, does not imply acquiescence.
Service of a judgment is validly made at the domicile elected in France by the party residing abroad.
Service of judicial and extrajudicial documents to or from abroad shall be governed by the rules laid down in this section, subject to the application of European regulations and international treaties.
The document intended to be served on a person whose habitual residence is abroad shall be delivered to the public prosecutor’s office, except in cases where a European regulation or an international treaty authorises the bailiff or the registry to transmit this document directly to its addressee or to a competent authority of the State of destination. The document intended to be served on a foreign State, a foreign diplomatic…
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