Article 688-4 of the French Code of civil procedure
The national chamber of judicial officers shall forward the documents addressed to it to a judicial officer territorially competent to serve them.
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The national chamber of judicial officers shall forward the documents addressed to it to a judicial officer territorially competent to serve them.
The requesting party is required to advance the costs of service subject to existing international conventions.
The document shall be served in the language of the State of origin. However, an addressee who does not know the language in which the document is drawn up may refuse service and request that it be translated into or accompanied by a translation into French, at the request and expense of the requesting party. The authority responsible for service shall inform the addressee of the document of this possibility….
Documents evidencing the execution or non-execution of requests for service shall be transmitted back through the same channels by which the requests were forwarded.
The execution of a request for service may be refused by the French authority if it is likely to prejudice the sovereignty or security of the State. It may also be refused if the request is not made in accordance with the provisions of this code.
Notifications shall be made at the place where the addressee resides if he is a natural person. However, when made to a person, notification is valid wherever it is delivered, including the place of work. Service is also validly made at the elected domicile where the law so allows or requires.
Any party residing abroad has the option of declaring to the registry of the court seised, as soon as the proceedings are instituted, that he elects domicile in France in order to be made the addressee of: 1° Des envois, remises, et notifications des actes de procédure, des pièces, avis, avertissements ou convocations, des rapports et des procès-verbaux, lorsque la partie n’a pas chargé une personne demeurant en France de…
Notification intended for a legal person governed by private law or a public establishment of an industrial or commercial nature shall be made at the place of its establishment. Failing such a place, it shall be made in the person of one of its members authorised to receive it.
Notifications intended for the public prosecutor and those that must be made to the public prosecutor’s office shall be made, as the case may be, to the public prosecutor’s office of the court before which the claim is brought, to that of the court that gave judgment or to that of the last known address. If there is no public prosecutor’s office near the court, notification shall be made to…
Notifications intended for public bodies and public establishments shall be made at the place where they are established to any person entitled to receive them.
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