Article 1031-19 of the French Code of civil procedure
The debates shall take place under the conditions laid down in Articles 1016, 1017, 1018 and 1019.
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The debates shall take place under the conditions laid down in Articles 1016, 1017, 1018 and 1019.
The judgment shall be signed by the President, the Rapporteur and the Registrar, and a copy shall be sent to the court that gave the decision whose review is sought.
The time limits provided for in articles 1031-12, 1031-13 and 1031-16 are increased under the conditions provided for in article 1023.
When the Court of Reconsideration grants a request for reconsideration of the appellant’s appeal, the proceedings continue before the full court.
Where the court of reconsideration refers the case back to a court hearing the case on the merits, the rules of referral and procedure are those applicable to the courts of referral after cassation.
The referring court shall be seised by a declaration made at the registry of that court. Where the referring court is seised by the Public Prosecutor, the declaration shall be made by the person exercising that function before the said court, where appropriate at the request of the person exercising that function before the court whose decision has been quashed.
The declaration shall contain the particulars required for the document instituting proceedings before that court; a copy of the judgment of cassation shall be annexed to it.
Unless the case has been referred to the referring court without prior notification, the statement must, on pain of inadmissibility being raised of its own motion, be made before the expiry of a period of two months from the date of notification of the judgment of cassation to the party. This time limit shall run even against the party giving notice. The absence of a declaration within the time limit…
The act of notification of the judgment of cassation must, on pain of nullity, indicate very clearly the time limit mentioned in the first paragraph of article 1034 and the procedures by which the case may be referred to the referring court.
The registrar of the referring court shall forthwith send, by simple letter, to each of the parties to the cassation proceedings, a copy of the declaration with, if applicable, an indication of the obligation to constitute a lawyer. In the event of non-appearance, the defaulting parties are summoned in the same way as defendants are summoned before the court from which the quashed decision emanates.
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