Article 1326 of the French Code of civil procedure
The provisions of this section shall apply to the affixing of seals ordered in civil matters pursuant to a specific provision, unless incompatible with the matter in question or otherwise provided.
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The provisions of this section shall apply to the affixing of seals ordered in civil matters pursuant to a specific provision, unless incompatible with the matter in question or otherwise provided.
The inventory may be requested by those who may request the affixing of seals and, where applicable, by the curator of the vacant estate.
The following must be called to the inventory: 1° The surviving spouse or partner in a civil solidarity pact; 2° All those claiming to have a right to inherit; 3° The executor of the will if the will is known; 4° The agent appointed to administer the estate. The applicant shall call them to the inventory no later than twenty days before the date set for its completion, unless they…
In addition to the particulars prescribed, as the case may be, for deeds drawn up by a judicial auctioneer, a bailiff or a notary, by the laws and regulations applicable to these professions, the inventory shall contain: 1° The surname, first names, profession and domicile of the claimant or claimants, of the persons appearing or represented, where applicable, of the judicial auctioneers and of the experts; 2° An indication of…
The inventory drawn up pursuant to the provisions of article 789 of the Civil Code contains a numbered list of the estate’s assets.
The notarised inventory may also contain: 1° The qualities and rights of those who may claim the community or the succession; 2° Where applicable, the active and passive consitution of the community as it results from all documents, titles and papers presented to the notary and from the declarations of the applicants and those appearing.
If a difficulty arises in drawing up the inventory, the president of the judicial court, seised by the earliest party, shall rule in accordance with the accelerated procedure on the merits. .
The declaration of acceptance up to the net assets made at the clerk’s office of the judicial court or before a notary shall indicate the heir’s surname, first names and profession, his election of domicile and the capacity by virtue of which he is called to the succession. The notary with whom the declaration is made informs the heir of the obligation to publicise provided for in the third paragraph…
The publicity provided for in articles 788, 790 and 794 of the Civil Code is made in the Bulletin officiel des annonces civiles et commerciales. The procedures for advertising by electronic means are defined by order of the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. Within one month of the declaration referred to in the article 788 of the Civil Code, the heir shall, in the same manner as the…
The claims of the accepting heir up to the amount of the net assets against the estate are brought against the other heirs. If there are none or if the actions are brought by all the heirs, they are brought against a curator appointed in the same manner as that provided for the curator of the vacant estate.
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