Article ANNEXE, art. 35 of the French Code of civil procedure
In the cases provided for in this chapter, Articles 760 and 768 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall also apply.
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In the cases provided for in this chapter, Articles 760 and 768 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall also apply.
In the matters listed in Article 2, the application shall be made by petition delivered or addressed to the registry in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of Chapter I of Subtitle I of Title I of Book II of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Subject to the provisions of the Act of 1 June 1924 introducing French commercial laws into the departments of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin and Moselle, procedure in commercial matters is governed by the Code of Civil Procedure and the following articles. .
The procedure applicable before the commercial chamber of the tribunal de grande instance or before the tribunal de grande instance ruling in commercial matters is that followed before the tribunal de grande instance, without prejudice to the special rules governing the representation of the parties and the provisions of the second paragraph of Article R. 670-1 of the Commercial Code.
The President of the Commercial Chamber shall rule in summary proceedings and on applications in accordance with Articles 872, 873 and 875 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
The statement of appeal provided for in Article 901 of the Code of Civil Procedure must mention the names of the representatives of the respondents at first instance. In the case provided for in the second paragraph of Article 930-1, the appellant shall deliver to the registry or send to it by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt as many copies of the statement as there are respondents and representatives,…
With regard to enforcement proceedings and taxation of the parties’ costs, appeals follow the rules relating to appeals in non-contentious matters. The same applies to appeals under article 699 of the local code of civil procedure, article 17 (paragraph 2) of the law of 30 June 1878 relating to indemnities granted to witnesses and experts, articles 4 and 16 of the Empire law of 20 May 1898 on court fees…
Articles 21 and 22 of this annex are applicable to Title V of the law of 1 June 1924 implementing French civil legislation in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle, and relating to forced execution on immovable property, the procedure for the purge of mortgages and the order procedure.
Notifications that are the responsibility of the clerk of a court shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Articles 665 and 670 of the Code of Civil Procedure. When they are made by post, they are made by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The amount of the emoluments and fees allocated to the bailiffs and postulant lawyers is indicated in the order for payment.
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