Article 958-1 of the French Code of civil procedure
In the cases provided for by law or the regulations, the First President shall decide on the merits in accordance with the fast-track procedure.
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In the cases provided for by law or the regulations, the First President shall decide on the merits in accordance with the fast-track procedure.
The application shall be presented by a lawyer where the proceedings before the court involve the constitution of a lawyer under the conditions provided for in Article 930-1.
The constitution of a lawyer by the respondent or by any person who becomes a party in the course of the proceedings shall be denounced to the other parties by notification between lawyers. This document shall indicate: a) If the party is a natural person, his surname, first names, profession, domicile, nationality, date and place of birth; b) If it is a legal person, its form, name, registered office and…
The parties’ submissions shall be signed by their lawyer and served in the same way as notifications between lawyers. They are not admissible until the information mentioned in paragraph 2 of the previous article has been provided. This objection may be put in order up to the date of the closure of the proceedings or, in the absence of pre-trial proceedings, up to the opening of the hearings. The communication…
The copy of the instrument of constitution and of the pleadings shall be delivered to the court registry either as soon as they are served or, if served before the matter is brought before the court, at the same time as the copy of the statement of claim is delivered.
Where the appeal falls within the scope of Article 1635 bis P of the General Tax Code, the parties must provide proof of payment of the duty provided for in that Article, failing which the appeal or the defences, as the case may be, will be inadmissible. Except in the case of an application for legal aid, the principal appellant must provide proof of this when submitting his statement of…
They have jurisdiction to rule that the appeal is inadmissible pursuant to Article 963 : the First President; the President of the Chamber to which the case is distributed; the Conseiller de la mise en état until the close of the hearing; the formation de jugement. Unless the parties have been summoned or subpoenaed to appear at a hearing, they may rule without debate. They shall rule, where appropriate, on…
As an exception to Article 963, in non-contentious matters, the appellant shall provide proof of payment of the fee at the request of the clerk’s office of the court of appeal.
A court of appeal that overturns an interim order refusing an investigative measure may entrust the review of the investigative measure it orders to the judge responsible for reviewing investigative measures in the court that issued the order.
The first president may delegate to one or more magistrates of the court all or part of the functions assigned to him by subtitles I and II. The presidents of chambers may likewise delegate to the magistrates of their chambers all or part of the functions assigned to them by subtitle I.
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