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Article 21-26 of the French Civil Code

Is assimilated to residence in France when such residence constitutes a condition for the acquisition of French nationality: 1° The residence outside France of a foreigner who carries out a public or private professional activity on behalf of the French State or an organisation whose activity is of particular interest to the French economy or culture; 2° Residence in countries in a customs union with France that are designated by…

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Article 21-27 of the French Civil Code

No one may acquire French nationality or be reinstated in this nationality if they have been convicted of crimes or offences constituting an attack on the fundamental interests of the Nation or an act of terrorism, or, whatever the offence in question, if they have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment equal to or greater than six months, without a suspended sentence. The same applies to anyone who has…

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Article 21-27-1 of the French Civil Code

When acquiring French nationality by decision of the public authority or by declaration, the person concerned shall indicate to the competent authority the nationality or nationalities he or she already holds, the nationality or nationalities he or she retains in addition to French nationality and the nationality or nationalities he or she intends to renounce.

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Article 21-28 of the French Civil Code

The representative of the State in the department or, in Paris, the police prefect organises, within six months of acquiring French nationality, a ceremony to welcome into French citizenship for the persons residing in the department referred to in articles 21-2, 21-11, 21-12, 21-13-1, 21-13-2, 21-14, 21-14-1, 21-15, 24-1, 24-2 and 32-4 of this code as well as to Article 2 of Act no. 64-1328 of 26 December 1964 authorising…

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Article 21-29 of the French Civil Code

The representative of the State in the department or, in Paris, the police prefect notifies the mayor, in his capacity as civil registrar, of the identity and address of persons residing in the commune likely to benefit from the ceremony welcoming them into French citizenship. When the mayor so requests, he may authorise him to organise, in his capacity as civil registrar, the ceremony welcoming them into French citizenship.

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Article 22-1 of the French Civil Code

A minor child, one of whose parents acquires French nationality, becomes French ipso jure if he or she has the same habitual residence as that parent or if he or she resides alternately with that parent in the case of separation or divorce. The provisions of this article apply to the child of a person who acquires French nationality by decision of the public authority or by declaration of nationality…

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Article 22-3 of the French Civil Code

However, a French child under article 22-1 and who was not born in France has the option of repudiating this status during the six months preceding his majority and during the twelve months following it. He exercises this option by making a declaration in accordance with articles 26 et seq. He may renounce this right from the age of sixteen under the same conditions.

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Article 23 of the French Civil Code

Any adult of French nationality, habitually resident abroad, who voluntarily acquires a foreign nationality shall not lose French nationality unless he/she expressly declares this, under the conditions provided for in the articles 26 et seq of this title.

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