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Article 945 of the French Civil Code

It will be similarly null and void if it was made on the condition of discharging debts or charges other than those existing at the time of the gift or which would be expressed either in the deed of gift or in the statement which should be annexed to it.

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Article 946 of the French Civil Code

In the event that the donor has reserved the freedom to dispose of an instrument included in the donation or of a fixed sum out of the donated property, if he dies without having disposed of it, the said instrument or the said sum shall belong to the donor’s heirs, notwithstanding any clauses and stipulations to the contrary.

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Article 948 of the French Civil Code

Any deed of gift of movable effects shall be valid only for those effects of which an estimated statement, signed by the donor and the donee, or by those accepting for him, shall have been annexed to the minute of the gift.

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Article 950 of the French Civil Code

Where the gift of movable effects has been made with reservation of usufruct, the donee shall be bound, on the expiry of the usufruct, to take the effects given which are in kind, in the condition in which they are; and he shall have action against the donor or his heirs, by reason of the non-existent objects, up to the value given to them in the appraised statement.

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Article 951 of the French Civil Code

The donor may stipulate the right of return of the donated objects either for the case of the predecease of the donee alone, or for the case of the predecease of the donee and his descendants. This right may only be stipulated for the benefit of the donor alone.

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Article 952 of the French Civil Code

The effect of the right of return is to cancel all disposals of the property and rights given, and to cause such property and rights to revert to the donor, free of all encumbrances and mortgages, except for the legal mortgage of the spouses if the other property of the donee spouse is not sufficient to accomplish this return and the gift was made to him by the marriage contract…

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Article 954 of the French Civil Code

In the event of revocation on the grounds of non-performance of the conditions, the property will revert to the donor, free of all charges and mortgages in respect of the donee; and the donor will have, against third parties holding the donated property, all the rights he would have against the donee himself.

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