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Article 1247 of the French Civil Code

Ecological damage consisting of non-negligible harm to the elements or functions of ecosystems or to the collective benefits derived by man from the environment may be compensated in accordance with the conditions laid down in this Title. .

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Article 1248 of the French Civil Code

Action for compensation for ecological damage is open to any person with standing and an interest in bringing an action, such as the State, the French Biodiversity Office, local authorities and their groupings whose territory is concerned, as well as public establishments and associations approved or created for at least five years on the date the proceedings are brought which have as their object the protection of nature and the…

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Article 1249 of the French Civil Code

Compensation for environmental damage is primarily in kind. In the event that it is de jure or de facto impossible or that reparation measures are insufficient, the judge shall order the person responsible to pay damages, earmarked for environmental reparation, to the claimant or, if the claimant is unable to take appropriate measures to this end, to the State. The assessment of the loss takes into account, where applicable, any…

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Article 1250 of the French Civil Code

In the event of a penalty payment, this shall be liquidated by the judge in favour of the claimant, who shall allocate it to the repair of the environment or, if the claimant is unable to take the useful measures to this end, in favour of the State, which shall allocate it to the same end. The judge reserves the power to liquidate it.

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Article 1252 of the French Civil Code

Independent of compensation for ecological damage, the judge, on receiving an application to that effect from a person mentioned in Article 1248, may prescribe reasonable measures to prevent or stop the damage.

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Article 1300 of the French Civil Code

Quasi-contracts are purely voluntary acts from which result an obligation on the part of the person who benefits from them without being entitled to do so, and sometimes an obligation on the part of their author towards others. The quasi-contracts governed by this subtitle are business management, undue payment and unjust enrichment.

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Article 1301 of the French Civil Code

A person who, without being obliged to do so, knowingly and usefully manages the business of another, without the knowledge or opposition of the master of that business, is subject, in the performance of the legal and material acts of his management, to all the obligations of an agent.

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Article 1301-1 of the French Civil Code

He is bound to exercise all the care of a reasonable person in the management of the business; he must continue the management until the master of the business or his successor is able to provide for it. The judge may, depending on the circumstances, moderate the compensation due to the master of the business because of the faults or negligence of the manager.

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Article 1301-2 of the French Civil Code

A person whose business has been usefully managed must fulfil the commitments entered into in his interest by the manager. He reimburses the manager for expenses incurred in his interest and compensates him for any damage he has suffered as a result of his management. Sums advanced by the manager bear interest from the day of payment.

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