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Article 1601-4 of the French Civil Code

The assignment by the purchaser of the rights he holds under a sale of a building automatically substitutes the assignee in the purchaser’s obligations to the seller. If the sale was accompanied by a mandate, this continues between the seller and the assignee. These provisions apply to any transfer inter vivos, whether voluntary or forced, or mortis causa.

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Article 1606 of the French Civil Code

The delivery of chattels is effected: Or by the handing over of the thing, Or by the handing over of the keys of the buildings containing them, Or even by the sole consent of the parties, if transportation of them cannot be effected at the time of the sale, or if the buyer already had them in his power on some other basis. .

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Article 1610 of the French Civil Code

If the seller fails to make delivery within the time agreed between the parties, the purchaser may, at his option, request that the sale be rescinded, or that he be given possession, if the delay is due solely to the seller.

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