Article 1611 of the French Civil Code
In all cases, the seller must be ordered to pay damages and interest, if the purchaser suffers loss as a result of the failure to deliver at the agreed time.
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In all cases, the seller must be ordered to pay damages and interest, if the purchaser suffers loss as a result of the failure to deliver at the agreed time.
The seller is not bound to deliver the thing, if the buyer does not pay the price, and the seller has not granted him a time limit for payment.
Nor shall he be obliged to deliver, even if he had granted a delay for payment, if, since the sale, the buyer has fallen into bankruptcy or a state of insolvency, so that the seller is in imminent danger of losing the price; unless the buyer gives him security to pay on time.
The thing must be delivered in the state it is in at the time of the sale. Since that day, all the fruits belong to the purchaser.
The obligation to deliver the thing includes its accessories and everything that was intended for its perpetual use.
The seller is obliged to deliver the capacity as set out in the contract, subject to the modifications hereinafter expressed.
If the sale of an immovable has been made with an indication of the capacity, at the rate of so much the measure, the seller is obliged to deliver to the purchaser, if he so requires, the quantity indicated in the contract; And if the thing is not possible to him, or if the purchaser does not require it, the seller is obliged to suffer a proportional reduction in the…
If, on the contrary, in the case of the preceding article, a greater capacity is found than that expressed in the contract, the purchaser has the option of providing the additional price, or withdrawing from the contract, if the excess is one twentieth above the declared capacity.
In all other cases, Either the sale is made of a certain and limited body, Or it has as its object distinct and separate land, Or it begins with the measure, or with the designation of the object sold followed by the measure, The expression of this measure does not give rise to any additional price, in favour of the seller, for the excess measurement, nor in favour of the…
In the event that, in accordance with the preceding article, there is reason to increase the price due to overmeasurement, the purchaser has the option of either withdrawing from the contract or providing the additional price, and this with interest if he has kept the property.
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