Article 96-2 of the French Civil Code
The effects of the marriage referred to in Article 96-1 date back to the date on which the consent of the future spouse was received.
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The effects of the marriage referred to in Article 96-1 date back to the date on which the consent of the future spouse was received.
Death certificates received by the military authority, in all cases provided for in Article 93 above, or by the civil authority for members of the armed forces, civilians taking part in their action, in service, or persons employed in the wake of the armies, may be the subject of an administrative rectification under conditions fixed by decree, during the periods and in the territories where the military authority is empowered,…
A record in lieu of a birth record is drawn up for any person born abroad who acquires or recovers French nationality, unless the record drawn up at his or her birth has already been entered in a register kept by a French authority. This record states the surname, first names and sex of the person concerned and indicates the place and date of his or her birth, parentage and…
Similarly, an act in lieu of a marriage record is drawn up when the person acquiring or recovering French nationality has previously contracted marriage abroad, unless the celebration of the marriage has already been recorded by an act entered in a register kept by a French authority. The record states: – the date and place of the celebration; – an indication of the authority that performed it; – the surnames,…
A single record may be drawn up bearing statements relating to the birth and the marriage, unless the birth and the marriage have already been established by records entered in a register kept by a French authority. It takes the place of both a birth record and a marriage record.
The deeds referred to in articles 98 to 98- 2 also indicate: – the date on which they were drawn up; – the name and signature of the civil registrar; – the entries made in the margin of the record of which they take the place; – an indication of the acts and decisions relating to the person’s nationality. Mention is subsequently made in the margin: – of the indications…
Persons for whom records have been drawn up pursuant to articles 98 to 98-2 lose the right to request transcription of their birth or marriage record received by a foreign authority. In the event of a disagreement between the statements in the foreign civil status record or the French consular civil status record and those in the record drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the said articles, the…
The rectification of civil status records is ordered by the president of the court. The rectification of the indication of sex and, where applicable, first names is ordered at the request of any person with a variation in genital development or, if he or she is a minor, at the request of his or her legal representatives, if it is medically established that his or her sex does not correspond…
The civil registrar rectifies purely material errors or omissions vitiating the statements and entries made in the margins of the civil status records for which he or she is the custodian and the list of which is laid down by the Code of Civil Procedure. If the error vitiates other civil status records, the civil registrar to whom the matter is referred proceeds to rectify them or has them rectified…
The persons authorised to perform the duties of civil registrars to draw up the acts mentioned in articles 98 to 98-2 may proceed with the administrative rectification of purely material errors and omissions vitiating the statements and mentions affixed to the margin of these acts in accordance with Article 99-1. Persons authorised to perform the duties of civil registrar for the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless…
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