Article 100 of the French Civil Code
Any judicial or administrative rectification or annulment of a record is enforceable against everyone from the time it is published in the civil status registers.
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Any judicial or administrative rectification or annulment of a record is enforceable against everyone from the time it is published in the civil status registers.
Expédition de l’acte ne peut plus être délivrée qu’avec les rectifications ordonnées, à peine de l’amende édictée par l’article 50 of the Civil Code and all damages against the depositary of the registers.
Publicity of civil status records is ensured by the issue of full copies or extracts made by civil registrars. The content and conditions for issuing full copies and extracts are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. The procedure for secure verification of personal data contained in civil status records may be implemented for the purpose of replacing the issue of full copies and extracts, under the conditions laid down…
The publicising of civil status records is also ensured by the family record book, the content of which, the rules for updating and the conditions for issuing and securing it are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. Its model is defined by decree.
The domicile of any French person, as regards the exercise of his civil rights, is at the place where he has his principal establishment. The place of exercise of the civil rights of a person with no stable place of residence is the place where they have elected domicile under the conditions provided for in Article L. 264-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles. Boatmen and other…
The change of domicile will be effected by the fact of a real dwelling in another place, joined to the intention to fix his principal place of business there.
Proof of intention will result from an express declaration, made both to the municipality of the place you are leaving, and to that of the place where you have transferred your domicile.
In the absence of an express declaration, proof of intent will depend on the circumstances.
A citizen called to a temporary or revocable public office will retain the domicile he had previously, if he has not manifested a contrary intention.
The acceptance of functions conferred for life, will entail the immediate translation of the domicile of the civil servant in the place where he must exercise these functions.
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