Article 1950 of the French Civil Code
Witness evidence may be received for the necessary deposit, even when it is for a value greater than the figure provided for in Article 1359.
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Witness evidence may be received for the necessary deposit, even when it is for a value greater than the figure provided for in Article 1359.
The deposit required is, moreover, governed by all the rules previously set out.
Innkeepers or hoteliers are liable, as custodians, for the clothing, luggage and miscellaneous items brought into their establishment by the traveller staying with them; the deposit of these kinds of effects must be regarded as a necessary deposit.
They are liable for the theft or damage of these effects, whether the theft was committed or the damage was caused by their servants, or by third parties coming and going in the hotel. This liability is unlimited, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary, in the case of theft or damage of objects of any kind deposited in their hands or which they have refused to receive without legitimate reason….
Innbergists or hoteliers shall not be liable for theft or damage that occurs by force majeure, nor for loss that results from the nature or a defect of the thing, provided that they prove the fact that they allege. As an exception to the provisions of article 1953, innkeepers or hoteliers are liable for objects left in vehicles parked on the premises of which they have private enjoyment up to…
Sequestration is either conventional or judicial.
Conventional sequestration is the deposit by one or more persons of a disputed item in the hands of a third party who undertakes to return it, once the dispute is over, to the person who is deemed to be entitled to it.
When it is free of charge, it is subject to the rules for filing proper, except for the differences set out below.
Sequestration may apply not only to household effects, but even to immovable property.
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