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Article 2361 of the French Civil Code

A pledge of a claim, present or future, takes effect between the parties and becomes enforceable against third parties on the date of the deed. In the event of a dispute, proof of the date lies with the pledged creditor, who may prove it by any means.

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Article 2361-1 of the French Civil Code

Where the same claim is the subject of successive pledges, the ranking of creditors is governed by the order of the deeds. The creditor who is first in line has recourse against the creditor to whom the debtor would have made a payment.

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Article 2362 of the French Civil Code

To be enforceable against the debtor of the pledged claim, the pledge of the claim must be notified to him or the debtor must intervene in the deed. Failing this, only the pledgor validly receives payment of the claim.

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Article 2363 of the French Civil Code

After notification, the pledged creditor enjoys a right of retention on the pledged claim and has the sole right to its payment both in principal and interest. The pledged creditor, like the pledgor, may pursue enforcement, with the other duly informed.

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Article 2363-1 of the French Civil Code

The debtor of the pledged claim may set up against the pledgee the defences inherent in the debt. He may also raise defences arising from his relationship with the pledgor before the pledge became enforceable against him.

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Article 2364 of the French Civil Code

Sums paid in respect of the pledged claim are deducted from the secured claim when it is due. If this is not the case, the pledged creditor retains them as security in a specially allocated account opened for this purpose with an institution authorised to receive them, with the responsibility for returning them if the secured obligation is performed. In the event of default by the debtor of the secured…

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Article 2365 of the French Civil Code

In the event of default by his debtor, the pledged creditor may have the pledged claim and all rights attached thereto assigned to him by the court or under the terms of the agreement. He may also wait until the pledged claim falls due.

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Article 2367 of the French Civil Code

Ownership of an asset may be retained as security by the effect of a retention of title clause which suspends the translative effect of a contract until full payment of the obligation which constitutes the consideration for it. Ownership thus reserved is the accessory of the claim whose payment it guarantees.

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