Article 334 of the French Civil Code
In the absence of possession of status in accordance with the title, the action to contest may be brought by any person who has an interest therein within the period provided for in Article 321.
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In the absence of possession of status in accordance with the title, the action to contest may be brought by any person who has an interest therein within the period provided for in Article 321.
Filiation established by possession of status established by a notarial act may be contested by any person who has an interest in doing so by producing evidence to the contrary, within a period of ten years from the issue of the act.
Legally established filiation may be challenged by the public prosecutor if evidence drawn from the records themselves makes it implausible or in the event of fraud against the law.
Where a civil registrar is in possession of a prenatal acknowledgement of paternity whose statements concerning its author are contradicted by the information concerning the father communicated to him by the declarant, the civil registrar with jurisdiction under article 55 shall draw up the birth record in the light of the information provided by the declarant. He immediately notifies the public prosecutor, who raises the paternity dispute on the basis…
When allowing the action to be contested, the court may, in the interests of the child, determine the terms of the child’s relationship with the person who raised the child.
Any child whose paternal filiation is not legally established may claim subsidies from the person who had relations with his mother during the legal period of conception. The action may be brought throughout the child’s minority; the child may still bring it within ten years of coming of age if it was not brought during his minority. The action is admissible even if the father or mother was, at the…
Subsidies are settled, in the form of a pension, according to the needs of the child, the resources of the debtor, the family situation of the latter. The pension may be due beyond the majority of the child, if he is still in need, unless this condition is attributable to him through no fault of his own.
The defendant may dismiss the claim by proving by any means that he cannot be the father of the child.
The burden of subsidies passes to the debtor’s estate according to the rules of article 767.
Articles 327 paragraph 2, and 328 above are applicable to the action for subsidies.
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