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Article 370-2 of the French Civil Code

An adoption is international 1° Where a minor habitually resident in a foreign State has been, is being or is to be moved, in connection with his or her adoption, to France, where the adopter or adopters habitually reside; 2° Where a minor habitually resident in France has been, is or is to be moved, in connection with his or her adoption, to a foreign State, where the adopter(s) habitually…

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Article 370-3 of the French Civil Code

The conditions of adoption are subject to the national law of the adopter or, in the case of adoption by a couple, to the common national law of the two members of the couple on the day on which the adoption application is lodged or, failing that, to the law of their common habitual residence on the day on which the adoption application is lodged or, failing that, to the…

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Article 370-5 of the French Civil Code

An adoption duly granted abroad produces in France the effects of a full adoption if it completely and irrevocably breaks the pre-existing parent-child relationship. Otherwise, it produces the effects of simple adoption. It may be converted into a full adoption if the requisite consents have been expressly given with full knowledge of the facts.

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Article 371-1 of the French Civil Code

Parental authority is a set of rights and duties with the interests of the child as their ultimate goal. It belongs to the parents until the child reaches majority or emancipation to protect the child’s safety, health and morality, to ensure the child’s education and enable the child’s development, with due respect for the child’s person. Parental authority is exercised without physical or psychological violence. Parents involve the child in…

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Article 371-2 of the French Civil Code

Each parent contributes to the maintenance and education of the children in proportion to his or her resources, those of the other parent, and the needs of the child. This obligation does not cease ipso jure either when parental authority or its exercise is withdrawn, or when the child comes of age.

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Article 371-4 of the French Civil Code

Children have the right to maintain personal relations with their ascendants. Only the interests of the child may prevent the exercise of this right. If it is in the child’s interests, the family court judge shall determine the terms and conditions of relations between the child and a third party, whether a parent or not, in particular where that third party has resided on a stable basis with the child…

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Article 371-5 of the French Civil Code

The child must not be separated from his or her brothers and sisters, unless this is not possible or if his or her interests require another solution. Where appropriate, the judge will rule on personal relationships between brothers and sisters.

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