Article 1649 of the French Civil Code
It does not take place in sales made by judicial authority.
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It does not take place in sales made by judicial authority.
The buyer’s main obligation is to pay the price on the day and at the place settled by the sale.
If nothing has been settled in this respect at the time of the sale, the buyer must pay at the place and time at which delivery is to take place.
The buyer owes interest on the sale price until payment of the principal, in the following three cases: If it was so agreed at the time of the sale; If the thing sold and delivered produces fruit or other income; If the buyer has been summoned to pay. In the latter case, interest runs only from the summons.
If the purchaser is disturbed or has just cause to fear that he will be disturbed by an action, either mortgage or revendication, he may suspend payment of the price until the seller has put an end to the disturbance, if he prefers not to give security, or unless it has been stipulated that, notwithstanding the disturbance, the purchaser will pay.
If the buyer fails to pay the price, the seller may request that the sale be rescinded.
The cancellation of the sale of immovable property is pronounced immediately if the seller is in danger of losing the thing and the price. If there is no such danger, the judge may grant the purchaser a longer or shorter period of time depending on the circumstances. Once this period has passed without the purchaser having paid, the cancellation of the sale will be pronounced.
If it has been stipulated at the time of the sale of immovable property that, in the absence of payment of the price within the agreed term, the sale would be cancelled ipso jure, the purchaser may nevertheless pay after the expiry of the term, as long as he has not been put in default by a summons; but, after this summons, the judge may not grant him this term.
In the case of the sale of goods and chattels, the sale shall be rescinded ipso jure and without summons, in favour of the seller, after expiry of the term agreed for withdrawal.
Independently of the causes of nullity or rescission already explained in this title, and of those common to all agreements, the contract of sale may be rescinded by the exercise of the repurchase option and by the worthlessness of the price.
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