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Article 311-24-2 of the French Civil Code

Any person of legal age may use one of the names provided for in the first and last paragraphs of article 311-21. With regard to minor children, this option is exercised by both parents exercising parental authority or by the parent exercising parental authority alone. In addition, a parent who has not passed on his or her surname may add it to the name of the minor child as a…

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Article 313 of the French Civil Code

The presumption of paternity is set aside when the child’s birth certificate does not name the husband as the father. It is further set aside where the child was born more than three hundred days after the application for divorce or legal separation was lodged or after the agreement settling all the consequences of the divorce was filed with a notary, and less than one hundred and eighty days since…

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Article 314 of the French Civil Code

If it was dismissed pursuant to article 313, the presumption of paternity is re-established by operation of law if the child has possession of status with regard to the husband and does not have paternal filiation already established with regard to a third party.

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Article 315 of the French Civil Code

Where the presumption of paternity is set aside under the conditions provided for in article 313, its effects may be re-established in court under the conditions provided for in l’article 329. The husband also has the option of recognising the child under the conditions set out in articles 316 et 320.

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Article 316 of the French Civil Code

Where filiation is not established under the conditions laid down in Section I of this Chapter, it may be established by an acknowledgement of paternity or maternity, made before or after birth. Acknowledgement establishes filiation only in respect of its author. It is made in the birth certificate, by deed received by the civil registrar or by any other authenticated deed. The record of recognition is drawn up on a…

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Article 316-1 of the French Civil Code

Where there are serious indications, based where applicable on the civil registrar’s hearing of the person who acknowledged the child, that the acknowledgement is fraudulent, the civil registrar shall immediately refer the matter to the public prosecutor and inform the person who acknowledged the child. The public prosecutor must decide, within fifteen days of the matter being referred to him or her, either to allow the civil registrar to register…

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Article 316-2 of the French Civil Code

Any act of opposition by the public prosecutor shall mention the forenames and surname of the author of the acknowledgement as well as the forenames and surname, date and place of birth of the child concerned. In the case of a prenatal acknowledgement, the act of opposition shall mention the forenames and surname of the author of the acknowledgement as well as any indication communicated to the civil registrar relating…

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Article 316-3 of the French Civil Code

The court shall rule, within a period of ten days from the date on which the matter is referred to it, on the application for the opposition to be dismissed made by the author of the acknowledgement, even if he is a minor. In the event of an appeal, a ruling shall be made within the same time limit and, if the judgment appealed from has dismissed the opposition, the…

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