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Article 353-1 of the French Civil Code

Adoption is granted at the request of the adopter or adopters by the judicial court, which verifies within a period of six months from the date of referral to the court whether the conditions of the law are met and whether the adoption is in the child’s interest. The minor capable of discernment is heard by the court or, where his or her interests so require, by the person appointed…

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Article 353-2 of the French Civil Code

Third-party proceedings against the adoption judgment are admissible only in the event of fraud or deceit attributable to the adopters or to the spouse, partner bound by a civil solidarity pact or cohabiting partner of the adopter. Concealment to the court of the maintenance of ties between the adopted child and a third party, decided by the family affairs judge on the basis of Article 371-4, as well as concealing…

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Article 354 of the French Civil Code

The judgment pronouncing the adoption is mentioned or transcribed in the civil status registers under the conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. The transcription takes the place of the birth certificate of the adopted person. The transcription takes the place of the adopted person’s birth certificate. It states the day, time and place of birth, the child’s sex, surname and forenames as they appear in the adoption…

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Article 356 of the French Civil Code

Plenary adoption confers on the child a filiation that replaces his or her original filiation: the adopted child ceases to belong to his or her original family, subject to the prohibitions on marriage set out in articles 161 to 164.

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Article 357 of the French Civil Code

Plenary adoption confers on the child the name of the adopter. In the event of the adoption of a child by a couple, or the adopters choose, by joint declaration, the surname devolving on the child: either the name of one of them, or their two names together in the order chosen by them, subject to a limit of one surname for each of them. This option of choice may…

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Article 358 of the French Civil Code

With the exception of its last paragraph, Article 357 is applicable to a child who has been the subject of an adoption duly pronounced abroad having in France the effects of a full adoption. The adopters shall exercise the option available to them under this article when applying for transcription of the adoption judgment, by a declaration addressed to the public prosecutor of the place where such transcription is to…

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Article 360 of the French Civil Code

Simple adoption confers on the adopted person a filiation which is added to his or her filiation of origin in accordance with the procedures laid down in this chapter. The adopted person continues to belong to his or her family of origin and retains all his or her rights therein. The prohibitions on marriage provided for in articles 161 to 164 apply between the adopted person and his family of…

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Article 361 of the French Civil Code

The relationship resulting from simple adoption extends to the adopted person’s children. Marriage is prohibited: 1° Between the adopter, the adopted person and their descendants; 2° Between the adopted person and the spouse or partner bound by a civil solidarity pact of the adopter; reciprocally between the adopter and the spouse or partner bound by a civil solidarity pact of the adopted person; 3° Between the adopted children of the…

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