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Article 375-4-1 of the French Civil Code

When the children’s judge orders an educational assistance measure pursuant to articles 375-2 to 375-4, it may propose a family mediation measure to the parents, unless violence against the other parent or the child is alleged by one of the parents or unless one of the parents has a clear hold over the other parent, and, after obtaining their agreement, appoint a family mediator to carry out this measure, under…

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Article 375-5 of the French Civil Code

On a provisional basis but subject to appeal, the judge may, during the proceedings, either order the provisional surrender of the minor to a reception or observation centre, or take one of the measures provided for in articles 375-3 et 375-4. In urgent cases, the public prosecutor of the place where the minor was found has the same power, but must refer the matter within eight days to the competent…

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Article 375-6 of the French Civil Code

Decisions taken in matters of educational assistance may, at any time, be amended or rescinded by the judge who made them either of his own motion or at the request of the father and mother jointly, or one of them, the person or service to whom the child has been entrusted or the guardian, the minor himself or the public prosecutor.

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Article 375-7 of the French Civil Code

The father and mother of a child benefiting from an educational assistance measure continue to exercise all the attributes of parental authority that are not irreconcilable with this measure. They may not, for the duration of this measure, emancipate the child without the authorisation of the children’s judge. Without prejudice to Article 373-4 and the specific provisions authorising a third party to perform a non-routine act without the agreement of…

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Article 375-8 of the French Civil Code

The costs of maintaining and educating a child who has been the subject of an educational assistance measure shall continue to be the responsibility of the child’s father and mother and ascendants from whom maintenance may be claimed, except that the judge may relieve them of all or part of these costs.

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Article 375-9 of the French Civil Code

The decision entrusting the minor, on the basis of 5° of article 375-3, to an establishment receiving people hospitalised due to mental disorders, is ordered after a detailed medical opinion from a doctor from outside the establishment, for a period of no more than fifteen days. The measure may be renewed, following a medical opinion in agreement with a psychiatrist from the host establishment, for a renewable period of one…

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Article 375-9-1 of the French Civil Code

When family benefits or the active solidarity income paid to single people mentioned in article L. 262-9 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles are not used for needs relating to housing, the upkeep, health and education of children and that one of the home help services provided for in article L. 222-3 du code de l’action sociale et des familles does not appear sufficient, the children’s judge…

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Article 375-9-2 of the French Civil Code

The mayor or his representative on the council for the rights and duties of families may refer the matter to the children’s judge, jointly with the body responsible for family benefits, to inform him, pursuant to Article 375-9-1, a family’s difficulties. Where the mayor has appointed a coordinator pursuant to article L. 121-6-2 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, it shall inform the children’s judge, with the…

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Article 376-1 of the French Civil Code

When a family court is called upon to rule on the terms and conditions of the exercise of parental authority or on the upbringing of a minor child, or when it decides to entrust the child to a third party, it may have regard to any agreements that the father and mother may have freely entered into between themselves on this subject, unless one of them can show serious grounds…

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