Article 965 of the French Civil Code
The donor may, at any time, waive the right to exercise the revocation for the occurrence of a child.
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The donor may, at any time, waive the right to exercise the revocation for the occurrence of a child.
An action for revocation is barred after five years from the birth or adoption of the last child. It may only be brought by the donor.
Any person may dispose of by will either under the title of institution of heirship, or under the title of legacy, or under any other name appropriate to manifest his will.
A will may not be made in the same deed by two or more persons either for the benefit of a third party or as a reciprocal or mutual disposition.
A will may be holographic or made by public deed or in the mystic form.
A holographic will shall not be valid unless it is written in full, dated and signed by the testator’s hand: it is not subject to any other form.
A will by public deed is received by two notaries or by one notary assisted by two witnesses.
If the will is received by two notaries, it is dictated to them by the testator; one of these notaries writes it himself or has it written by hand or mechanically. If there is only one notary, it must also be dictated by the testator; the notary writes it himself or has it written by hand or mechanically. In all cases, it must be read to the testator. Where the…
This will must be signed by the testator in the presence of the witnesses and the notary; if the testator declares that he does not know how to sign or cannot sign, express mention shall be made in the deed of his declaration, as well as of the cause which prevents him from signing.
The will must be signed by the witnesses and by the notary.
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