Article L771-11 of the French Consumer Code
Article L. 733-4 as well as the last sentence of 2° of article L. 733-7 are not applicable to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
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Article L. 733-4 as well as the last sentence of 2° of article L. 733-7 are not applicable to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
In the local authorities covered by article 73 of the Constitution, in Saint-Barthélemy, in Saint-Martin, and in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the Institut d’émission des départements d’outre-mer shall exercise, in liaison with the Banque de France, the powers devolved to the latter by this Book.
Consumer protection associations may be approved after receiving the opinion of the public prosecutor.The conditions under which these associations may be approved, taking into account their representativeness at national or local level, as well as the conditions under which this approval may be withdrawn, shall be laid down by decree.
Authorisation may only be granted to associations that are independent of all forms of professional activity. However, associations emanating from consumer cooperative societies, governed by the loi du 7 mai 1917 ayant pour objet l’organisation du crédit aux sociétés coopératives de consommation, peuvent être agréées si elles satisfont par ailleurs aux conditions qui sont fixés en application de L. 811-1.
The Institut national de la consommation, a national public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature, with legal personality and financial autonomy, is a centre for research, information and study on consumer problems.
The purpose of the National Consumer Institute is to:1° Provide technical support to consumer defence associations;2° Gather, produce, analyse and disseminate information, studies, surveys and tests;3° Implement information, communication, prevention, training and education actions and campaigns on consumer issues aimed at the general public, as well as the professional or association audiences concerned;4° Provide technical support to the commissions placed under it and collaborate in the appraisal of their opinions…
A decree in the Council of State specifies the organisation and operating procedures of the National Consumer Institute.
The Commission des clauses abusives (Unfair Contract Terms Commission), which reports to the Minister for Consumer Affairs, deals with model agreements usually offered by professionals to their consumer or non-professional contractors. It is responsible for investigating whether these documents contain clauses that could be unfair.
The Commission des clauses abusives may be referred to it either by the Minister responsible for consumer affairs, or by approved consumer protection associations, or by the professionals concerned.It may also refer matters to itself.
The commission recommends deleting or amending clauses that are unfair.
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