Article L721-5 of the French Consumer Code
An application by the debtor made pursuant to the first paragraph of Article L. 733-1 interrupts the limitation period and the time limits for bringing proceedings.
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An application by the debtor made pursuant to the first paragraph of Article L. 733-1 interrupts the limitation period and the time limits for bringing proceedings.
When it is pronounced, the suspension referred to in article L. 721-4 applies under the same conditions and in accordance with the same procedures as those laid down by the provisions of articles L. 722-2 à L. 722-5.
In the event of a property seizure, where a compulsory sale has been ordered, the auction date may only be postponed by a decision of the judge responsible for the property seizure, referred for this purpose by the commission, for serious and duly justified reasons.
The commission examines the debtor’s situation and decides whether the application is admissible.
The admissibility of the application entails the suspension and prohibition of enforcement proceedings brought against the debtor’s assets as well as assignments of remuneration granted by the debtor and relating to debts other than maintenance debts.
Proceedings and assignments of remuneration shall be suspended or prohibited, depending on the case, until approval of the conventional recovery plan provided for in Article L. 732-1, until the decision imposing the measures provided for in articles L. 733-1, L. 733-4, L. 733-7 and L. 741-1, until the judgment pronouncing a personal recovery without judicial liquidation or until the judgment opening a personal recovery procedure with judicial liquidation.
In the event of a property seizure, where a compulsory sale has been ordered, the auction date may only be postponed by a decision of the judge responsible for the property seizure, referred for this purpose by the commission, for serious and duly justified reasons.
The suspension and prohibition of enforcement proceedings brought against the debtor’s assets entails a prohibition on the debtor doing any act that would aggravate his insolvency, paying, in whole or in part, a claim other than a maintenance claim, including the overdrafts referred to in 10° and 11° of Article L. 311-1, arising prior to the suspension or prohibition, to pay guarantors who would pay debts arising prior to the…
As soon as the decision on the admissibility of the application to deal with the situation of over-indebtedness has been made, the commission may refer the matter to the protection litigation judge for the purpose of suspending measures for eviction from the debtor’s home.
In urgent cases, the matter may be referred to the judge on the initiative of the chairman of the commission, the commission’s delegate, the local representative of the Banque de France or the debtor.The commission shall be informed of any such referral.
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