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Article R414-5 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

Subject to the specific provisions laid down in Articles R. 561-5 to R. 561-11, any travel document issued for a period of more than one year shall incorporate the security features and biometric elements provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 2252/2004 of 13 December 2004 on standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States and its annex, as amended by Regulation (EC)…

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Article R421-2 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

A foreign national holding a temporary residence permit bearing the word “employee” who finds himself involuntarily deprived of employment must present any supporting documents relating to the termination of his employment and, where applicable, to his rights with regard to compensation schemes for workers deprived of employment. The Prefect decides on the application for renewal in accordance with the provisions of article L. 421-1.

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Article R421-3 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

The temporary or multi-annual residence permit bearing the word “employee” issued pursuant to article L. 421-1 may not be withdrawn on the grounds that the foreign national has been deprived of employment through no fault of his or her own. The temporary or multi-annual residence permit bearing the word “employee” issued pursuant to article L. 421-1 may not be withdrawn on the grounds that the foreign national has been deprived…

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Article R421-5 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

A foreign national who meets the conditions for renewal of the temporary residence permit bearing the word “temporary worker” provided for in article L. 421-3 will be issued with a permit for a period equal either to the remaining term of the initial work contract or secondment of which he is the holder, or to that of his new work contract or extension of his secondment.

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Article R421-7 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

The provisions of article L. 421-5 are applicable to foreign nationals whose self-employed activity requires them to be registered either in the National Register of Companies as a business in the trades and crafts sector or in the Trade and Companies Register, or with the Union de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d’allocations familiales (URSSAF).

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