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Article R431-17 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

The visas mentioned in 6° to 18° of Article R. 431-16 allow their holder to stay in France beyond a period of three months and within the time limits mentioned in the same article, on condition that the person concerned, within three months of the date of entry into France, declares in particular the date of entry and their place of residence there, using a teleservice, under the conditions laid…

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Article R431-18 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

Foreign nationals mentioned in 6° to 11° and 13° to 18° of article R. 431-16 who wish to remain in France beyond the time limits mentioned in the same article apply for a temporary residence permit or a multi-annual residence permit under the conditions set out in 1° of article R. 431-5. They must also prove that they have fulfilled the formalities laid down in article R. 431-17 and meet…

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Article D431-19 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

The competent authority’s decision on the application for the visa provided for in 5° of article R. 431-16 is notified to the foreign national in writing as soon as possible and at the latest within ninety days of the date on which the complete application was submitted.As an exception to article R. 432-2, silence kept by the administrative authority on this application gives rise to an implicit decision of rejection…

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Article R431-20 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

Subject to the exception provided for in article R. 426-3, the residence permit is issued by the prefect of the département in which the foreign national resides and, in Paris, by the prefect of the police. For the application of article L. 433-1, foreign nationals applying for the issue of a residence permit receive information relating to the conditions to which this issue is subject and their obligations to comply…

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Article R431-21 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

When the application for a residence permit is made pursuant to article L. 431-2, the residence permit is issued by the prefect of the département in which the foreign national is domiciled within the meaning of article L. 551-7 or, in Paris, by the police prefect. Failing this, the permit is issued by the prefect of the department in which the foreign national resides or, in Paris, by the police…

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Article R431-22 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

As an exception to article R. 431-20, when the application for a residence permit is lodged with the prefecture of the Bouches-du-Rhône department, the prefect of this department is competent to issue a residence permit to foreign nationals, and members of their families, working within the framework of the Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project, signed in…

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Article R432-2 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

The implicit rejection decision referred to in article R.* 432-1 arises at the end of a four-month period.As an exception to the first paragraph, this period is ninety days when the foreign national applies for the issue of a residence permit referred to in articles R. 421-23, R. 421-43, R. 421-47, R. 421-54, R. 421-54, R. 421-60, R. 422-5, R. 422-12, R. 426-14 and R. 426-17.By way of derogation from…

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