Article L2142-5 of the French Labour Code
The content of posters, publications and leaflets is freely determined by the trade union organisation, subject to the application of the provisions relating to the press.
The content of posters, publications and leaflets is freely determined by the trade union organisation, subject to the application of the provisions relating to the press.
A company agreement may define the terms and conditions for disseminating trade union information using the digital tools available in the company. In the absence of an agreement, the trade union organisations present in the company and meeting the criteria of respect for republican values and independence, legally constituted for at least two years, may make publications and leaflets available on a trade union site accessible from the company intranet,…
In temporary employment agencies, trade union notices posted on the notice board are given to temporary employees on assignment or sent by post, at the expense of the temporary employment agency, at least once a month.
In undertakings or establishments with at least two hundred employees, the employer shall make available to the trade union sections common premises suitable for the performance of their delegates’ duties. In undertakings or establishments with at least one thousand employees, the employer shall also provide each trade union section set up by a representative trade union organisation in the undertaking or establishment with suitable premises, equipped with the facilities necessary…
The terms and conditions for the fitting out and use by the trade union sections of the premises made available to them are set by agreement with the employer.
The members of each trade union section may meet once a month within the company, outside the working premises, in accordance with the procedures laid down by agreement with the employer. The trade union sections may invite prominent trade union figures from outside the company to take part in meetings organised by them in the trade union premises made available to them in application of article L. 2142-8, or, with…
Trade union meetings take place outside participants’ working hours, with the exception of staff representatives who may meet during their delegation time.
The trade union delegate must be at least eighteen years of age, have worked in the company for at least one year and not have been disqualified, disqualified or disqualified from holding any civic rights. This one-year period is reduced to four months in the event of the creation of a company or the opening of an establishment.
In temporary employment undertakings, the seniority condition for being appointed as a trade union delegate is set at six months for temporary employees. It is assessed by adding together the periods during which these employees were linked to these companies by assignment contracts during the eighteen months preceding the appointment of the trade union delegate. This period is reduced to six months in the event of the creation of a…
Each representative trade union organisation in the company or establishment of at least fifty employees, which forms a trade union section, appoints from among the candidates in the professional elections who have received in a personal capacity and in their college at least 10% of the votes cast in the first round of the last elections to the social and economic committee, whatever the number of voters, within the limits…
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