Article L2261-1 of the French Labour Code
Unless otherwise stipulated, agreements are applicable from the day following their filing with the relevant department, under conditions determined by regulation.
Unless otherwise stipulated, agreements are applicable from the day following their filing with the relevant department, under conditions determined by regulation.
The applicable collective agreement is that governing the employer’s main activity. In the event of several activities making the application of this criterion uncertain, collective agreements and professional agreements may, by means of reciprocal clauses of an identical nature, lay down the conditions under which the company determines the agreements and arrangements applicable to it.
Any representative trade union organisation of employees and any trade union organisation or association of employers or individual employers may join an agreement. However, if the activity in which they or their members engage does not fall within the scope of the agreement, their membership is subject to the provisions of articles L. 2261-5 or L. 2261-6, as applicable. Membership is notified to the signatories of the convention or agreement…
When a trade union or employers’ organisation that is representative within the scope of the agreement adheres to all the clauses of a branch agreement or a professional or inter-professional agreement, this organisation has the same rights and obligations as the signatory parties. In particular, it may sit on joint bodies and participate in the management of institutions created by the branch agreement or the professional or cross-industry agreement, as…
If the purpose of accession is to make the branch agreement or the professional or interprofessional agreement applicable in a territorial or professional sector not included in its scope, it must take the form of a collective agreement between the interested parties in accordance with the provisions of article L. 2231-1 and the signatory parties of this agreement or this agreement. The scope is modified accordingly.
Where the company does not fall within the territorial or professional scope of application of either a branch agreement or a professional or inter-professional agreement, the employer’s adherence to such an agreement is subject to the approval of the organisations mentioned in article L. 2232-16, after negotiations on the matter.
I. – The following are authorised to initiate the procedure for revising a cross-industry agreement, an agreement or a branch agreement 1° Until the end of the electoral cycle during which the agreement is concluded: a) One or more trade union organisations representing employees in the field of application of the agreement and signatories or members of the agreement ; b) One or more professional employers’ organisations which are signatories…
I. – The following are entitled to initiate the procedure for revising a company or establishment agreement: 1° Until the end of the electoral cycle during which this agreement was concluded, one or more trade union organisations representing employees in the field of application of the agreement and signatories or members of this agreement; 2° At the end of this period, one or more trade union organisations representing employees in…
The amendment revising all or part of an agreement or arrangement automatically replaces the stipulations of the agreement or arrangement that it amends. It may be invoked against all employers and employees bound by the agreement, in accordance with the filing conditions set out in article L. 2231-6.
The open-ended agreement may be terminated by the signatory parties. In the absence of express stipulation, the period of notice that must precede termination is three months. The other signatories of the agreement are notified of the denunciation by its author. It is deposited under conditions laid down by regulation.
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