Article L2321-6 of the French Labour Code
The agreement provided for in Article L. 2321-2 includes stipulations on compensation for travel expenses.
The agreement provided for in Article L. 2321-2 includes stipulations on compensation for travel expenses.
Where applicable, the agreement provided for in article L. 2321-2 may determine the composition of the delegation which negotiates company or establishment agreements.
The agreement provided for in article L. 2321-2 may set the frequency of all or some of the subjects for negotiation by the works council.
The validity of a company or establishment agreement concluded by the works council is subject to its signature by a majority of the elected full members of the works council or by one or more full members who received more than 50% of the votes cast in the last professional elections. To determine the latter threshold, the votes received in the first round of elections are taken into account for…
The works council defined in this title may be set up in undertakings belonging to an economic and social unit. The agreement defined in article L. 2321-2 is concluded either at the level of one or more undertakings making up the economic and social unit, or at the level of the economic and social unit. In the latter case, the rules governing the validity of the agreement are assessed by…
I -A group works council is set up within the group formed by a dominant undertaking, whose registered office is located on French territory, and the undertakings which it controls under the conditions defined in article L. 233-1, in I and II of article L. 233-3 and inarticle L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code. II – For the purposes of setting up a Group Works Council, an undertaking exercising…
The social and economic committee of a controlled undertaking or of an undertaking over which it exercises a dominant influence within the meaning of Article L. 2331-1 may request, for the application of the provisions of this Title, that the undertaking be included in the group thus formed. The request is forwarded by the head of the undertaking concerned to the head of the dominant undertaking, which grants the request…
In the event of a dispute arising from the application of Articles L. 2331-1, L. 2331-2 and L. 2331-6, the social and economic committee or the representative trade union organisations in the company in question or in a company in the group may bring the dispute before the court at the registered office of the dominant company.
The undertakings referred to in points a and c of paragraph 5 of Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on concentrations shall not be regarded as dominant undertakings.
Banking networks with a central body, within the meaning of Articles L. 511-30 and L. 511-31 of the Monetary and Financial Code relating to the activity and control of credit institutions, constitute a group works council when this central body is not a public institution. For the purposes of this Title, the central body is considered to be the dominant undertaking.
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