Article 322-23 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code
Aid for the production of video games is awarded with a view to contributing towards the costs mentioned in article 322-16 allocated to the production of video games.
Aid for the production of video games is awarded with a view to contributing towards the costs mentioned in article 322-16 allocated to the production of video games.
The total amount of aid for video game production may not exceed 50% of the expenditure referred to in article 322-23 or, in the case of international co-production, of the French participation.
Selective financial aid is awarded for the organisation of collective operations to encourage information and promotional activities aimed at professionals in the video games sector.
Aid for collective operations is granted to legal entities that meet the following conditions:1° Be incorporated as a commercial company or association;2° Be established in France;3° Have chairmen, directors or managers and the majority of their directors who are French nationals or equivalent;4° Not be controlled by one or more natural or legal persons who are nationals of States other than European States, when incorporated as a commercial company.
Aid for collective operations is awarded on the basis of the following criteria:1° The ability of the operation to contribute to a mission of general interest for the video game sector;2° The relevance of the format and theme as well as the quality of the programming;3° The relevance of the communication strategy with regard to the target audience;4° The ability to finance and organise the operation.
Aid for collective operations is granted to help cover the following expenses directly associated with the operation:1° Staff costs associated with organising the operation;2° Costs of drawing up the programme for the operation;3° Costs of conferences and workshops;4° Costs of hiring spaces and equipment;5° Communication and reception costs.
The amount of aid for collective operations may not exceed 50% of the expenditure mentioned in article 322-28.
The Commission des aides au jeu vidéo is made up of twelve members, including a chairman and a vice-chairman, appointed for a renewable term of two years.
III – 1. Automatic financial aid for the production and preparation of audiovisual works III-1.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for a production investment allowance (Articles 311-60 et seq.) I. – Prior authorisation: A. – Fiction : 1° The synopsis and script of the work; 2° A summary of the work; 3° The curriculum vitae of the writers and director; 4° A note of intent from the…
Automatic and selective financial aid is granted to support the production, development and development of short-lived cinematographic and audiovisual works.
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