Article R411-6 of the French Intellectual Property Code
The number of contract staff specific to the institute is set each year within the limits of the budgetary authorisations for this establishment. Staff regulations are set by decree.
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The number of contract staff specific to the institute is set each year within the limits of the budgetary authorisations for this establishment. Staff regulations are set by decree.
The Institute is subject to the provisions of Titles I and III of Decree 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management.
The Director General of the Institute shall forward to the Ministers responsible for industrial property and the budget for approval, accompanied where appropriate by the opinion of the member of the General Economic and Financial Control body, the decisions taken by the Board of Directors in the exercise of the following powers: approval of the budget and any amendments thereto, the financial statements for the financial year ended and the…
The resources of the National Institute of Industrial Property consist of: 1° The proceeds of all authorised collections in respect of industrial property, trade and craft registers and the filing of company deeds; 2° All receipts that may be collected by the Institute as remuneration for services rendered; 3° The proceeds of the sale of publications ; 4° Income from assets and the proceeds of their disposal; 5° Proceeds from…
The expenses of the National Institute of Industrial Property include: 1° Operating and equipment expenses of the Institute; 2° Expenses incurred by France’s participation in international industrial property organisations.
Works and supply contracts awarded by the Institute are governed by the legislative and regulatory provisions applicable to State contracts.
The Director General of the Institut national de la propriété industrielle shall keep the accounts for the issue of revenue orders, the commitment, settlement and authorisation of expenditure.
The rules relating to accounting, the form of budgets and accounts, the books and records of the authorising officer and the accounting officer will be laid down by one or more orders signed by the minister responsible for finance, the minister responsible for the budget and the minister concerned. .
I. – The National Institute of Industrial Property shall collect fees, the amount and terms of application of which shall be laid down by joint order of the Minister responsible for industrial property and the Minister responsible for the budget, on the occasion of the following procedures and formalities: 1° For patents for invention, utility certificates and supplementary protection certificates: -filing; -search report or supplementary search report; -supplementary claim from…
The Institut national de la propriété industrielle collects the fees provided for in II of Article L. 123-54 of the French Commercial Code.
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