Article L711-7 of the French Commercial code
The regional chambers of commerce and industry carry out all the tasks of the network of chambers of commerce and industry provided for in article L. 710-1. As such:
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The regional chambers of commerce and industry carry out all the tasks of the network of chambers of commerce and industry provided for in article L. 710-1. As such:
The regional chambers of commerce and industry oversee and support the activities of the Ile-de-France territorial and departmental chambers attached to them. They define a regional strategy for the network’s activity in their constituency, compatible with the regional scheme for economic development, innovation and internationalisation provided for in article L. 4251-13 of the general code for local authorities. The compatibility of this strategy with this plan is guaranteed by the…
The regional chambers of commerce and industry draw up, in line with the regional plan contract for the development of vocational training and guidance, a regional scheme for vocational training which is intended to be adapted within the territorial and departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France in order to take account of specific local features. In the exercise of the powers referred to in the first paragraph, regional…
I.-Notwithstanding the first paragraph of Article L. 711-7, a regional chamber of commerce and industry may, by agreement, entrust to a territorial or departmental chamber of commerce and industry in the Ile-de-France region which is attached to it: 1° The project management of any infrastructure or equipment project and the management of any service provided for in 4° of Article L. 711-7; 2° The administration of any initial training establishment…
A chamber of commerce and industry called the “Paris-Ile-de-France regional chamber of commerce and industry” is hereby created, the district of which corresponds to the entire Ile-de-France region. The chambers of commerce and industry and delegations existing in the Ile-de-France region are attached to the Paris-Ile-de-France regional chamber of commerce and industry as departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France not having the legal status of a public establishment….
The members of the Paris – Ile-de-France regional chamber of commerce and industry and the members of the Ile-de-France departmental chambers of commerce and industry are respectively elected under the same conditions as the members of the regional chambers of commerce and industry and the members of the territorial chambers of commerce and industry.
The presidents of the departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France are members of CCI France. They are ex officio members of the bureau of the Paris – Ile-de-France regional chamber of commerce and industry.
The Paris-Ile-de-France regional chamber of commerce and industry exercises all the powers devolved to any regional chamber of commerce and industry. The departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France exercise the local missions devolved to any territorial chamber of commerce and industry, in accordance with articles L. 711-1 to L. 711-4, in accordance with the guidelines defined by the general assembly of the Paris-Ile-de-France regional chamber of commerce and…
CCI France is the public establishment at the head of the network defined in article L. 710-1, the only establishment in the network authorised to represent the national interests of industry, commerce and services to the State and the European Union, as well as internationally. Its governing body is made up of the presidents in office of the departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France, the territorial chambers of…
CCI France is responsible for coordinating the entire network of chambers of commerce and industry. In this capacity: 1° It draws up the national strategy for the network of chambers of commerce and industry; 2° It adopts the intervention standards for the network’s member establishments and ensures compliance with these standards; 3° It develops a national range of services implemented, possibly with local adaptations, by each regional chamber of commerce…
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