Article L751-8 of the French Commercial code
The conditions for appointing the members of the national commission and its chairman, as well as the procedures for its operation, are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
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The conditions for appointing the members of the national commission and its chairman, as well as the procedures for its operation, are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
I. – Each year, the Commission nationale d’aménagement commercial publishes a report incorporating data relating to the activity of the departmental and national commissions. This report shall also include information relating to the knowledge of territories in commercial matters. II. – (Repealed)
Commercial authorisation is required for projects involving: 1° The creation of a retail shop with a sales area of more than 1,000 square metres, resulting either from a new construction or from the conversion of an existing building; 2° The extension of the sales area of a retail shop that has already reached the 1,000 square metre threshold or is expected to exceed it through the completion of the project….
As an exception to article L. 752-1, the projects mentioned in 1° to 6° of the same article L. 752-1 which are not considered to result in artificialisation of the land within the meaning of V of article L. 752-6 and which are planned to be set up in an area covered by an operation to revitalise the area defined in I of article L. 303-2 of the French Construction…
The representative of the State in the department may suspend by decree, after consultation with or at the request of the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation with its own tax status and the municipalities that are signatories to a territorial revitalisation operation agreement mentioned in article L. 303-2 of the Code de la Construction et de l’Habitation, the registration and review by the Commission Départementale d’Aménagement Commercial of applications for…
I. – Combinations of the sales areas of neighbouring shops, without creating additional areas, not exceeding 2,500 square metres, or 1,000 square metres when the new activity is predominantly food, are not subject to a commercial operating authorisation. II. – Pharmacies and motor vehicle or motorbike shops are not subject to the commercial operating authorisation provided for in Article L. 752-1. III. – Covered or uncovered retail food halls and…
I. – Shops which are brought together on the same site and which: 1° Either have been designed as part of the same land development operation, whether this is carried out in one or more phases; 2° Or benefit from facilities designed to allow the same clientele access to the various establishments ; 3° Or are subject to joint management of certain elements of their operation, in particular through the…
I.-In municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants and, for projects that result in the artificial development of land within the meaning of V of article L. 752-6, in all communes, the mayor or the president of the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation with responsibility for town planning may, when an application for planning permission is submitted for the construction of a commercial facility with a surface area of between 300…
In the event of abuse of a dominant position or a state of economic dependence on the part of an undertaking or group of undertakings operating one or more retail shops, or permanent points for the withdrawal by customers of retail purchases ordered by telematic means, organised for access by car, the mayor, the president of the public inter-communal cooperation establishment with its own tax system or the president of…
Infringements of the provisions of Article L. 752-1, L. 752-23 and the texts adopted for their application are investigated and established by the agents mentioned in II of Article L. 450-1, under the conditions set out in articles L. 450-1, L. 450-2, L. 450-3, L. 450-7 and L. 450-8. Articles L. 521-1, L. 521-2 and L. 524-1 to L. 524-3 of the Consumer Code may be implemented following the findings…
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