Article L931-13 of the French Commercial code
A article L. 145-13, the words: “subject to the provisions of the loi du 28 mai 1943 relative à l’application aux étrangers des lois en matière de baux à loyer et de baux à ferme” are deleted.
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A article L. 145-13, the words: “subject to the provisions of the loi du 28 mai 1943 relative à l’application aux étrangers des lois en matière de baux à loyer et de baux à ferme” are deleted.
The second paragraph of Article L. 145-18 reads as follows: “The same applies to property restoration operations involving restoration, conservation, modernisation or demolition work resulting in the transformation of the habitable conditions of a group of buildings requiring the evacuation of the premises. These operations may be decided upon and carried out in accordance with local regulations, either by the local public authorities with jurisdiction, or at the initiative of…
For the purposes of Article L. 145-26, New Caledonia is considered to be a territorial collectivity.
Article L. 145-37 is worded as follows: “Art. L. 145-37-The rents for leases of buildings or premises governed by this chapter, whether renewed or not, may be revised at the request of either party, under the conditions provided for by the deliberations of the competent New Caledonian authority. “
Article L. 145-43 is worded as follows: “Art. L. 145-43 -Traders and artisans who are tenants of the premises in which their business is located and who are accepted to follow a conversion course or a promotion course in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Code applicable in New Caledonia are exempt from the obligation to operate for the duration of their training period. “
The third paragraph of Article L. 145-47 is deleted.
A article L. 145-56, the words: “and procedure” are deleted.
In articles L. 225-177, L. 225-179 and L. 233-11, the words: “the date of publication of Law no. 2001-420 of 15 May 2001 on new economic regulations” are replaced by the words: “the date of publication of Order no. 2004-604 of 24 June 2004 reforming the regime for securities issued by commercial companies and extending to overseas France provisions that have amended commercial legislation”.
In articles L. 223-18, L. 225-36 and L. 225-65, the words: “in the same department or a neighbouring department” are replaced by the words: “in New Caledonia”.
The last paragraph of article L. 225-43 and that of article L. 225-91 are deleted.
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