Article L942-2 of the French Commercial code
For the application of Book II, the statutory auditors and their alternates shall be chosen and shall perform their duties in accordance with the regulations in force in French Polynesia.
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For the application of Book II, the statutory auditors and their alternates shall be chosen and shall perform their duties in accordance with the regulations in force in French Polynesia.
Article L. 225-21 are deleted.
In articles L. 225-25 and L. 225-72, the reference to articles 20 and 21 of law no. 88-1201 of 23 December 1988 relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities and creating debt securitisation funds is deleted.
In articles L. 225-36 and L. 225-65, the words: “in the same department or a neighbouring department” are replaced by the words: “in French Polynesia”.
The last paragraph of article L. 225-43 and that of article L. 225-91 are deleted.
The 4° of IV of article L. 225-67 and 4° of III of article L. 225-77 are deleted.
Article L. 225-115 reads as follows: “5° The total amount, certified by the statutory auditors, of deductions from the taxable profits of companies that make payments to works of public interest organisations or approved societies or donations of works of art to the State or to French Polynesia, as provided for by the tax law provisions applicable in French Polynesia, as well as the list of named sponsorship, patronage actions….
In article L. 823-6, after the words: “the works council”, the following words are added: “or, failing that, the employee delegates”.
In articles L. 225-231, L. 232-3, L. 232-4, L. 234-1 and L. 234-2, to the words: “to the works council”, are added the words: “or failing that to the employee delegates”.
The second paragraph of article L. 823-18 is deleted.
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