Article L233-2 of the French Commercial code
Where one company owns between 10% and 50% of the capital of another company, the former shall be deemed, for the purposes of sections 2 and 4 of this chapter, to have an interest in the latter.
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Where one company owns between 10% and 50% of the capital of another company, the former shall be deemed, for the purposes of sections 2 and 4 of this chapter, to have an interest in the latter.
I.- For the purposes of sections 2 and 4 of this chapter, any natural person or legal entity is deemed to control another:
Any shareholding of even less than 10% held by a controlled company is considered to be held indirectly by the company controlling that company.
The Public Prosecutor and the Autorité des marchés financiers for companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a financial instruments market mentioned in II of Article L. 233-7 are empowered to take legal action to establish the existence of control over one or more companies.
The decision by which a company which owns more than half the capital of another company within the meaning of Article L. 233-1, which has a holding within the meaning of Article L. 233-2 or which exercises control over a company within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 undertakes to assume, in the event of the failure of the related company, all or part of the preventive and remedial obligations…
When, during a financial year, a company has acquired a holding in a company with its registered office in the territory of the French Republic representing more than one twentieth, one tenth, one fifth, one third or one half of the capital of that company or has acquired control of such a company, this is mentioned in the report presented to the shareholders on the operations of the financial year…
I.-When the shares of a company whose registered office is in the territory of the Republic are admitted to trading on a regulated market of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or on a financial instruments market admitting to trading shares that can be registered in an account with an intermediary mentioned in l’article L. 211-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code, any natural person…
When the company’s shares have ceased to be admitted to trading on a regulated market in order to be admitted to trading on a multilateral trading facility subject to the provisions of II of Article L. 433-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the person required to provide the information referred to in I of Article L. 233-7 of this code shall also inform the Autorité des marchés financiers within…
I.- No later than fifteen days after the Ordinary General Meeting, any joint stock company shall inform its shareholders of the total number of voting rights existing at that date. However, companies whose shares are not admitted to trading on a regulated market are not required to provide this information if the number of voting rights has not changed since the previous ordinary general meeting. Insofar as, between two ordinary…
I.-The following are treated in the same way as the shares or voting rights referred to in I of Article L. 233-7: 1° Shares or voting rights owned by other persons on behalf of that person; 2° Shares or voting rights owned by companies controlled by that person within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 ; 3° Shares or voting rights owned by a third party with whom that person…
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