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Article R2192-18 of the French Public procurement code

If the contracting authority has recourse to a project manager or any other service provider whose intervention is conditional on the payment of sums due, the intervention of the project manager or service provider does not alter the payment deadline imposed on the contracting authority.

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Article R2192-19 of the French Public procurement code

The contract concluded by the State, its public establishments other than industrial and commercial establishments, local authorities or their public establishments with the project manager or any other service provider shall specify the period within which the latter must carry out its work. If the work is carried out after the date on which the payment period began to run, this period may not exceed fifteen days.

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Article R2192-21 of the French Public procurement code

The contract includes stipulations on the penalties incurred as a result of failure to comply with the time limit mentioned in article R. 2192-19 or the obligation provided for in article R. 2192-20, as well as the method of calculation. It also provides for the option for the contracting authority to carry out or have carried out, after formal notice, the services at the expense of the defaulting party.

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Article R2192-22 of the French Public procurement code

The payment period for subcontractors benefiting from direct payment pursuant to Article L. 2193-10 is identical to that applicable to the contractor. This period runs from the date on which the contracting authority becomes aware of the holder’s express or implicit acceptance of the supporting documents serving as a basis for direct payment.

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Article R2192-23 of the French Public procurement code

For contracts concluded by the State, its public establishments other than those of an industrial and commercial nature, local authorities and their public establishments, the period for payment by the subcontractor runs from receipt by the contracting authority of the agreement, total or partial, of the holder of a contract to the payment requested. In the absence of notification of an agreement or refusal by the holder within the period…

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Article R2192-24 of the French Public procurement code

In the event of payment of an advance pursuant to article R. 2191-3, the time limit for payment of the advance shall run from: 1° either the date of notification of the contract; 2° or, where the contract so provides, the date of notification of the act which entails commencement of performance of the services corresponding to the advance. In other cases, the payment period runs from the date on…

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Article R2192-27 of the French Public procurement code

Where the request for payment does not include all the documents and information required by law or by the contract, or where these are incorrect or inconsistent, the time limit for payment may be interrupted once by the contracting authority.For contracting authorities with a public accountant, this interruption may only take place before the expenditure is authorised.

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