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Article L3213-1 of the French Public procurement code

When concluded by contracting authorities, service concession contracts concluded with one or more contracting authorities, one or more contracting entities referred to in 1° of Article L. 1212-1 or an economic operator when they benefit from an exclusive right by virtue of a provision adopted by law are subject to the rules defined in Title II, provided that this provision is compatible with the Treaty on the Functioning of the…

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Article L3213-2 of the French Public procurement code

When concluded by contracting authorities, concession contracts the principal purpose of which is to permit the provision or operation of public electronic communications networks or the provision to the public of one or more electronic communications services shall be subject to the rules laid down in Title II.

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Article L3214-1 of the French Public procurement code

Where they are concluded by contracting entities, service concession contracts concluded with one or more contracting authorities, one or more contracting entities referred to in 1° of Article L. 1212-1 or an economic operator where they benefit from an exclusive right by virtue of a provision adopted by law shall be subject to the rules defined in Title II , provided that this provision is compatible with the Treaty on…

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Article L3214-2 of the French Public procurement code

When they are concluded by contracting entities, concession contracts concluded by contracting entities in a Member State of the European Union or in a specific geographical area of a Member State are subject to the rules set out in Title II, where the European Commission has recognised that, in that State or in the geographical area concerned, this activity is carried out on competitive markets to which access is not…

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Article L3215-1 of the French Public procurement code

The following defence or security concession contracts are subject to the rules defined in Title II : 1° Contracts presenting the characteristics mentioned in articles L. 3212-4, L. 3213-1 and L. 3213-2 ; 2° For which, where the protection of the essential security interests of the State cannot be guaranteed by other measures : a) Application of this Part would require disclosure of information contrary to the essential security interests…

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