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Article R2152-10 of the French Public procurement code

Where the purchaser assesses costs using a life-cycle approach, it shall indicate in the tender documents the data to be provided by tenderers and the method it will use to determine the life-cycle cost on the basis of those data.The method used to assess the costs attributed to environmental externalities shall comply with all the following conditions:a) It shall be based on non-discriminatory and objectively verifiable criteria;b) It shall be…

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Article R2152-12 of the French Public procurement code

For contracts awarded in accordance with a formalised procedure, the award criteria shall be weighted or, where weighting is not possible for objective reasons, shall be indicated in descending order of importance. The weighting may be expressed as a range with an appropriate maximum deviation.

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Article R2153-1 of the French Public procurement code

Purchasers may include in the consultation documents criteria or restrictions based on the origin of all or part of the works, supplies or services making up the tenders proposed or the nationality of the economic operators authorised to submit a tender, taking into account the geographical and sectoral scope of the international agreements mentioned in Article L. 2153-1 and any restrictions contained therein.

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Article R2153-2 of the French Public procurement code

The countries and sectors for which the measures referred to in Article R. 2153-1 may not be introduced are specified as necessary and depending on the content of the agreements referred to in Article L. 2153-1, by an order of the Minister for the Economy appended to this Code.

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Article R2153-3 of the French Public procurement code

For the application of Article L. 2153-2, a tender may be rejected if the proportion of products originating in third countries exceeds 50% of the total value of the products making up the tender. For the purposes of this article, software used in telecommunications network equipment is considered to be a product.

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Article R2153-4 of the French Public procurement code

Where two or more tenders are equivalent in terms of the award criteria, preference is given to the tender that cannot be rejected pursuant to article R. 2153-3. Tenders are considered equivalent if the difference between their respective prices does not exceed 3%. However, this right of preference shall not be exercised where acceptance of the tender would oblige the contracting entity to acquire equipment with technical characteristics different from…

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Article R2153-5 of the French Public procurement code

The list of countries and sectors covered, on the date of its publication, by an agreement mentioned in Article L. 2153-2 is specified as necessary by an order of the Minister responsible for the economy. This order also specifies, for a given country or sector, whether, depending on the content of these agreements, the commitments entered into include restrictions likely to prevent comparable and effective access for European Union companies…

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