Article R2161-2 of the French Public procurement code
The minimum time limit for receipt of applications and tenders is thirty-five days from the date of dispatch of the contract notice.
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The minimum time limit for receipt of applications and tenders is thirty-five days from the date of dispatch of the contract notice.
The minimum period laid down in Article R. 2161-2 may be reduced: 1° To fifteen days if the purchaser has published a prior information notice or a periodic indicative notice that has not been used as a call for tenders and where the following conditions are met: a) The pre-information notice or periodic indicative notice was sent for publication at least thirty-five days and at most twelve months before the…
The purchaser may decide to examine the tenders before the applications. When it makes use of this option, it shall examine the applications impartially and transparently. In particular, it must ensure that its knowledge of the tenders in no way influences the assessment of the grounds for exclusion or the selection criteria.
The buyer cannot negotiate with tenderers. He can only ask them to specify the content of their offer.
The minimum time limits for receipt of applications are:1° For contracting authorities, thirty days from the date of dispatch of the contract notice or, where the call for competition is made by means of a prior information notice, from the date of dispatch of the invitation to confirm interest.Where a duly justified emergency makes it impossible to comply with this minimum time limit, the contracting authority may set a time…
For contracting authorities, the minimum time limit for receipt of tenders is thirty days from the date of dispatch of the invitation to tender.
The minimum period laid down in Article R. 2161-7 may be reduced: 1° To ten days if the contracting authority has published a prior information notice which has not been used as a call for tenders and where this notice meets the following conditions: a) It was sent for publication at least thirty-five days and at most twelve months before the date on which the contract notice was sent; b)…
A contracting authority other than a central public authority listed in a notice annexed to this Code may set the deadline for receipt of tenders by mutual agreement with the selected candidates, provided that this date is the same for all. In the absence of agreement, it shall set a deadline which may not be less than ten days from the date of dispatch of the invitation to tender.
A contracting entity may set the closing date for receipt of tenders by mutual agreement with the selected candidates, provided that this date is the same for all. In the absence of agreement, it shall set a time limit which may not be less than ten days from the date of dispatch of the invitation to tender.
The buyer cannot negotiate with tenderers. He can only ask them to specify the content of their offer.
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